How is 3 in 4 Need More Campaign Helpful?

The 3 in 4 need more movement aims to provide pertinent information and details to the public regarding the importance and what long term care insurance policies are all about. They are currently making rounds across the country to share their knowledge regarding this beneficial and useful investment in one’s life.

We are all aware that long term care plans are quite expensive and some of us are not yet convinced that it can cover and pay the LTC services that we are going to receive in the future, thus, some of us delay and even take these policies for granted thinking that we can just save up and use our savings to pay for it.

Unknown to many, there was a study that showed that for every year that a long term care insurance plan acquisition is delayed, there is a big possibility that the rates and prices of monthly premiums would increase by ten to twelve percent, making it more expensive and harder to afford.

Even if we are interested with buying such insurance plans, there are still some considerations that we have to make, including the every day needs and more important urgent necessities of our families that we have to satisfy. The present unstable financial condition that we have is not helping at all, making us think twice on acquiring long term care plans that we should have been able to acquire early on in our lives.

The 3 in 4 need more information drive wants the pubic to know that it is not too late to start considering buying one for our future long term care needs. However, it is still ideal if these kinds of insurance policies were purchased at a younger age so that we can still get the chance of being granted cheaper and more affordable monthly premiums and other policy rates.

This group is spearheaded by Dr. Marion Somers,  a well-known elder care advocate and specialist and is composed of different individuals from various walks of life. Although they may differ in age and social status, these volunteers are one in thinking that each and every American individual should be given the chance to qualify and purchase a long term care insurance policy for themselves.

They are asking the government to come up or review other existing provisions regarding long term care insurance in the country to further serve the majority of the residents who are average income earners. They are calling for equal and more flexible policy options to encourage those 32 million uninsured Americans to finally buy LTC plans and realize their dream of a worry-free and untroubled retirement life.

It is good to know that such movement or organization exists in these trying times. They make other people realize that although life is really hard nowadays, we still have the right to experience good life after years of hard work. And with the 3 in 4 need more campaign, the people will surely take time to think about a worry-free future and sparing their loved ones the burden of taking care of them when they are sickly and weak.

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