What Is Electroacupuncture?

Electroacupuncture is a therapy that recently came into the picture. It uses the successful and powerful principles of Chinese acupuncture. It inserts needles at Simulated Points, known as acupoints to relieve the pain. The major difference between acupuncture and electroacupuncture is the use of current to widen the scope of treatment.

In Electroacupuncture, similar to that of acupuncture, needles are inserted by an acupuncturist at desired points for simulation. The needles are then connected with a device that generates steady and continuous electric pulses using small clips. These devices come into use when acupuncturist needs to limit frequency and intensity to be supplied in the needle depending upon patients’ severity. Electroacupuncture uses 2 needles at the same time so as to let the impulses pass from one needle to other. Usually the treatment is imparted for not more than 30 minutes, and during that period several pairs of needles may be inserted into the patient’s body.

The main advantage of Electroacupuncture methods is that a therapist does not have to be exact and precise with the insertion of needles at acupoints. The current that flows through the needles covers a larger area. Hence, if the needle is inserted at a nearby point then the effect can easily pass on to the focal point. For those of us who fear the needles, Electroacupuncture can be implemented without needles. In no-pins method, electrodes are tapped to surface of the skin rather than being inserted in it. This technique is called Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Simulation.

Based on traditional principles of the Chinese medicine, the main reason of illness is when qi is not flowing properly throughout the human body. So acupuncturists analyze and calculate if qi is weak, stagnant or disproportionately balanced. Electronacupuncture is considered to be successful in cases where qi is accumulated, i.e., for chronic pain syndromes.

Now days, apart from treatment, Electroacupuncture is used as a form of anesthesia, a sore reliever for muscle spasms, and for treating neurological disorders. Studies around the globe indicate that electroacupunture is showing positive results for treating skin problems like acne, renal colic and for acute nausea caused by cancer drugs. Also some researchers indicate the electrical simulation by needle electrodes activates endorphin system, which helps in controlling blood pressure and reducing chances of blood pressure.

Electroacupunture is advantageous over acupuncture as it is an effective alternative for prolonged and continuous hand maneuvering as this assures patient gets right amount of simulation from device but an acupuncturist may pause and get exhausted. Also as patient gets continuous stimulus, this helps in reducing the treatment time. Multiple patients can be attended by a single acupuncturist after setting adequate intensity in electrode device. If in some cases a stronger simulation is required, it can be dealt with by supplying a stronger current. Therefore, tissue damage by twirling and thrusting of needles, which is done in acupuncture can be avoided.

Reviewing all the advantages and the bright future of this technique, this promises to be our gift to next generation.

Frank Dix is a Director of Ourzen Inc, and the online business of <a href=”http://www.microcurrentwarehouse.com/”>Microcurrent Warehouse</a>, distributing Medical Products and <a href=”http://www.microcurrentwarehouse.com/”>Electrotherapy


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