Likeabike Jumper – Learn How To Teach Your Child How To Bike
Raising a child is such an amusing time in every parent’s lives. It’s the time when they get to see how a helpless little baby becomes a hyperactive toddler up to a schooling child until he leaves them and the parents are on their own again. However, the best time of watching your child grow is during childhood to pre-adolescence. This is because this is the time when parents can really get hands-on with their children without having yet to be put-off by their kids’ hormonal impulses.
One of the most memorable experiences parents will have with their children is when they’re teaching them how to ride a bike. Teaching your child this skill is best when he’s about 2 to 6 years old. There are many tips on how you can do this properly, so follow those in order to make a great experience out of it. On your part, it’ll be very fulfilling as you see your child learn and finally ride the bike on his own. On his part, he’ll be very happy and he’ll keep that memory forever.
What are the equipments you will need?
The first thing every parent must do prior to teaching their child to ride the bike is to equip themselves with a lot of patience and presence of mind. Riding a bike, especially during the learning stage, presents a lot of dangers. If you don’t want your child to meet any accident, be sure to keep yourself ready.
Next, be ready with all the important equipment. Of course, you need to have a bike but make sure it’s the one meant for training, like the likeabike jumper. The likeabike jumper is manufactured by the LIKEaBike which specializes on training or balance bikes. This one is the best type for your child since it has a modern design and it comes with a removable steering limiter. The steering limiter controls how much the child can turn the front wheel which prevents sharp turns. Along with the likeabike jumper, equip your child with safety gears as well. These include the helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads.
Choosing the right place to practice
When you actually go out to start learning it is important to choose a place where there are not too many distractions and traffic. Grass is going to be a little bumpy so you had better find a place with pavement. Pavement has a better, smoother surface to learn on.
What are the steps of learning to ride the bike?
When your child is ready, have him seat on his likeabike jumper. This bike’s seat is adjustable from 13.4 to 18.5 inches from the ground so adjust it according to what suits him. Make sure that he can put his feet flat on the ground even when he’s sitting, but won’t drag it when riding around.
Have him hold the likeabike jumper handle and start teaching. First let him just push along with their feet. It’s best to hold him on his shoulders only and to remain at the bike. Allow him to keep his own balance but push him until he gets to know how it works.
As he’s getting more comfortable and faster, run behind him and when you believe he can do it on his own, watch him nearby.
Next step is coasting. As he is getting faster ask him to pick up his feet and try balancing the bike. While scooting make sure he is looking in the direction where he is moving along.
As he is scooting comfortably he can try turning while scooting. Always think in small steps, and make it a great experience for him.
If he looks like he masters all of this take him out, let him know he did a great job and celebrate the skill that he has learned. Take him to his favourite ice cream shop, or to the park.