My Ex Boyfriend Has A New Girlfriend – How Do I Get Him Back?
It is almost impossible to date someone new if you and your boyfriend broke up recently and you still have strong feelings of love for him. This can be compounded if your ex boyfriend has a new girlfriend! You will think there is no way he will ever come back to you. Do not give up hope. Believe it or not you DO have POWER and a great chance of winning him back from his new girl.
Almost every single woman has the same reaction when the man they loved begins dating a new woman. You want the tear her hair out (and secretly hopes her head comes with it) AND you want to tell him he is making a huge mistake. The worst thing you can do if your ex boyfriend has a new girlfriend is to insult her or put her down in any way. You can kiss any hope to ever reunite with him goodbye. Don’t even comment about how she dresses, how she looks or wears her hair OR you will throw away any chance of getting him back.
Let’s say on the off chance you run into them when you are out, what should you do? When he introduces you to her be friendly, smile and say something nice to her. You can compliment her handbag, earrings, dress, you name it – just be brief and sincere. Now pretend you are going somewhere and you are late BUT don’t make it appear abrupt or rude. See that wasn’t too painful but it is required of you want your ex boyfriend back.
This is the complete opposite reaction your boyfriend was looking for and this is WHY this tactic works so well. What a man pictures his ex meeting his new girlfriend, he expects fireworks – a ring side seat to a cat fight. Don’t give him the pleasure of seeing you cry and be angry. Simply appear authentically happy to meet her, your ex will be totally baffled as to why you are so accepting of meeting his new girl. There is no way around it, you must treat your ex boyfriend’s new girlfriend with respect. Just know that is is a rebound relationship and we know those almost NEVER work out.
On the chance that you stay friends with your ex boyfriend after the break up, know that he will probably offer up some info regarding his new relationship. What do you do if he talks to his new girl on the phone while you are there, tells you the newest show or restaurant he took her to? Just smile and say thank your for sharing, I was thinking of seeing that show too.
Never be cynical or negative in any way. Just know your ex boyfriend is probably just feeling you out, whatever you do, don’t fall apart and start begging him to come back.
This is just the beginning, there are other very important steps that you MUST take to get your ex boyfriend back. The wrong move WILL end the relationship for good.
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