Knowing Dexamethasone side effects and Arimidex side effects
It is certain that medicines can all the time offer with a small number of side effects. In a number of cases medicines might offer with major while in other cases they might offer with slight side effects. While using medicines like dexamethasone and arimidex it is important that you need to talk to your physician about dexamethasone side effects and arimidex side effects. These are the different types of medications that can offer with many side effects like whirling motion feeling, increased sweating problems, sleeplessness, nervousness and mood alterations. The instant you are consuming these medicinal drugs and if you observe any serious side effects then it is recommended to try and seek immediate medical attention.
Dexamethasone side effects and side effects of arimidex might differ from one individual to another depending on your immune system. In some cases you might as well note allergic reactions due to medicines that might lead to other troubles linked to breathing. Apart from this dexamethasone side effects and arimidex side effects might too lead to inflammation of mouth, appetite loss, alteration in menstrual cycle, depressions, dizziness and diarrhea. A number of people who use these medicinal drugs also complain of body discomfort, convulsions, muscular pain, headaches and changes in personality.
Some other very general side effects of dexamethasone and side effects of arimidex include immediate weight increase, vomiting sensation, nausea and swelling of body parts together with feet and legs. You need to keep in mind that side effects of dexamethasone and side effects of arimidex might differ for every individual. As these medicinal drugs are available in oral suspension, drops, ointment and solution form therefore it is advisable to contact your medical doctor the moment any such side effects are seen after using them. If not checked, there are chances that these side effects could also lead to serious situation like cardiac arrest, vasculitis, edema, myocardiac rupture and infraction or circulatory collapse.
There are a number of people who as well complain of hypertension, cardiac enlargement and syncope problems after they started using the medicinal drugs. The medicinal drugs also affect your endocrine system and reduce body’s tolerance against glucose and carbohydrate. If you are facing these problems then there are chances that you might have to increase the dose of insulin if you are diabetic. Many susceptible patients also face congestive collapse of heart, retention of body fluid and retention of sodium from the body.
Arimidex side effects as well include a number of problems related to gastrointestinal system. Several people who are repeatedly using these medications as well face abdominal distention and ulcer problems. It as well affect your bowel movement. Apart from this others face enzyme level problems and appetite problems. If not checked on time then you might as well face tendon rupture and weak muscles problems. When facing these side effects it is important to start with medical diagnose immediately.