Sad Lights – The Best Lights for Seasonal Affective Disorder

You feel a lack of energy, can’t sleep very good or can’t get out of bed in the morning or crave for bad foods? Then there’s a high possibility that you have SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder also called mood swing or winter blues.

One of the best treatments to overcome SAD is to use SAD light Therapy.

SAD lights have been proven to be very effective against SAD. All or most of your symptoms will disappear in a few days as is reported by a very high percentage of people that started to use a SAD light for 30 minutes a day. They wake up in the morning and turn on the SAD light and do this every morning for around 30 minutes. The manufacturers recommend you use the light in the morning because it should have a better effect on your system.

Many people see the effect of using a SAD light as little as 2 days. The feel more energized, sleep like a rose, wake up energized and no problems getting out of bed, more alert at work etc. If you feel this is exaggeration then please refer to the hundreds of reviews from people that have been using SAD lights to help them overcome the winter depression. SAD light therapy works for many many people and we recommend you to have a look at our top 3 Lights for seasonal Affective Disorder to find a good SAD light your money can buy. And this is all backed up by honest reviews from real people.

Learn the pros and cons of using seasonal affective disorder

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