Advance Calculator: Scientific Notation Calculator
In today’s world when you are learning each and every thing with the help of online tutors then how scientific notation (and important math topic) could left behind. If you want you to learn this topic online, you can take advantage of tutor online for free. Scientific notation is a simple way or method to represent very large numbers or very small numbers. In other words we can say that, it is a process of writing numbers that accommodates values or numbers that are either large or small and are written conventionally using standard decimal notation. When we write any number in scientific notation, it is a product of a number that can be integer or decimal and a power of 10. the number has one digit to the left of the decimal point and the power of ten shows or represents that how many places the decimal point was moved.
Scientific notation possess a wide range of properties, and because of its properties it is widely used in calculators, and by mathematicians, doctors, scientists, and engineers. Today, many calculators are coming named as Scientific Notation Calculator. Scientific notation is sometimes also known as exponential notation. When you enter a number in Scientific Notation Calculator, it must be in E-notation form. For example: 1.14*10^6 is the number we have to enter in scientific notation calculator then we have to write it as 1.14E6 or 1.14e6.
One important thing to note about it is 1e0 = 1* 10^0 and anything raised to zero = one (0 = 1), 1e0=1. Scientific notation calculator is a specialized version of traditional math calculator which can add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers. All these are present in this calculator with a formatted version. In Scientific Notation Calculator you can enter decimals, integers, or scientific notations like 22.89, 22, 3.6E7, etc. The cost of scientific calculator is higher than normal calculators, but you can enjoy their benefits without any expenditure as these calculator are available online. The sites that offer you free online tutoring also offers you free scientific calculator. Here you can directly get solution to many of scientific problems.
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