Gearing up for the big road trip

Long car trips can pose a challenge for just about any vehicle, especially with Australia’s tough terrain. In many parts of the country, you could drive for a long day or two without finding a petrol station to refill at. And just as a marathon runner would prepare and train his body for a big run, a responsible driver will take the steps necessary to make sure his car is in tip top shape.

Whether you own a new or used car, take on board some of these tips to help ensure a trouble and incident free journey.

– Check the engine oil. Oil keeps your motor running smoothly and efficiently so checking the oil is a crucial preparation step before a long road trip. Your oil levels should be close to full before leaving. Get your oil changed before your trip if you know that you’re about due for one.

– Check the battery. You should have a good idea of how old your battery is. If you know it’s a bit older, it could be a good precautionary measure to change it before your trip. Look for tell-tale signs of an old or dying battery such as a slower acceleration rate or suspicious engine noises.

– Check tyre pressure. Before embarking on a long trip, it is very important to check tyre pressure. Under inflated tyres perform poorly on the road and increase wear and tear on your engine. The recommended tyre pressure is usually listed in the owner’s manual so make sure your tyres meet the limit.

– Spare wheel. Make sure that your car is fitted with a spare tyre and the appropriate tools needed to change the wheel yourself – such as a wrench and a jack. Familiarise yourself with the procedure on how to change a flat. You might not be able to rely on help whilst you’re on the road.

When on the road, small faults or car problems can turn a fun road trip into a nightmare. Keeping your car well maintained will ensure it performs well, regardless if you’re driving new or used cars. Perth to Broome is a great road trip to start with. Where would you go?

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