The need for better cooperation.

As we can see in our days, people want changes, more people around the globe are going out in the streets asking for these changes to take place. Some want this while others want that, some want more of this and other want more of that, the truth is, what we need, is a change that involve better cooperation between people, without it, we will just move the problems from one place to another. We should reach this cooperation between people as fast as possible before things get out of hands.

Cooperation require reciprocity and completion, where each one help the other with his unique abilities and in return receive all the help he needs. Cooperation is me for the others and the others for me, by this, no one has to worry about his own needs. Cooperation between people brings more happiness into someone life, after all, if one feel that he his needed by the others while his own needs are being taken care of, he win both ways, because this remove a lot of stress and add a lot of pride. Completion is good for advancement, this is the best way to move forward while having many people working together.

By establishing a system of cooperation not only our life will be better, we will also save ourselves a lot of wars and suffering, why come to this by force and pain when we can skip theses steps and jump straight into the right connections. We can all reach a good state just by changing our attitudes, small changes for the greater good and small changes in the best of the interests of the individual, this is the finest choice we have. Therefore, let’s start to cooperate now and build a system of good connections between us.

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