Tips for choosing a lubricating oil for vehicles

Choosing the engine oil is sometimes quite confusing, because of ignorance of the specification we will use oil. An understanding of engine operating conditions used, as well as knowledge about the specifications of oil, could help solve this problem misgivings.

As we know that the engine oil is a very important role as koeffisien minimize friction between the machine elements intersect, a cooling agent in the engine room, to avoid rust, make sure to avoid wearing on the surface of the element and so on.

In addition to the above requirements the engine oil when the engine operates, always be in environments that have high temperature due to the combustion process in the combustion chamber. The combustion process also leads to oxidation reaction and cause Radicals, or compounds which usually arise due to the reaction heat effect, top 1 oli sintetik mobil-motor indonesia thus causing degradation of engine oil. To maintain the quality of oil was needed reaski oxidation-preventing additives.

Besides the blow-by gas that is entering the combustion gases to the engine room containing the fuel does not burn completely, are likely to be soot or particulete, to avoid the particulate clumping so that it becomes its own problems, engine oil additives will also need the anti-forming clumps. In addition to the diesel engine, which allows the sulfur contained quite a lot then the engine oil for this type require neutralizing sulfur additive.

As it is known that elements such as engine piston-ring and cylinder-liner, connecting rod tip, then the cam-nose and rocker-arm is touching each other. For such parts, lubrication of the fluid that is flowing into the lubrication surface where the flow is very limited. Condition of existing types of lubrication in the engine room, should respond to one type of engine oil only.

For these types of surface lubrication, high viscosity engine oil which would be more suitable for wearing to protect from the elements, but the high viscosity engine oil which becomes an obstacle to the rotating elements which lowers the fuel efficiency of the system itself. Conversely a low viscosity or thin, good for fuel efficiency, but allows higher engine elemental damage caused friction between the possibility of larger elements. So that engine oil needs in the conditioning to be able to respond to the type of lubrication is required as above. For example with the addition of additives ZDTP to protect the parts that intersect like the cam.

Distribution of energy use combustion products can be described more or less energy that can be used as 25% of the system dynamics, friction wheels and the road 6%, and 7.5% loss due to mechanical, from the distribution that for example by using a mechanical loss of engine oil SHG to 0% though, fuel efficiency will go up 7.5%, but actually can not expect such a high increase in fuel efficiency. But oil prices are suitable for high fuel efficiency, it is not so different from regular oil, then use the oil to enhance fuel keiritan this remains one point that is not forgotten.

Specifications to save fuel oil includes a variety of important things to remember. As explained above that there is some kind of lubrication that occurs in the engine room, in summary a good oil is oil that is able to reduce friction on any type of lubrication on the top. In oil market, there is a standard certificate issued by ILAC, the standards issued by the oil producers and car manufacturers about the grade of oil.

The trend today is the engine oil viscosity reduction in oil to lower the barrier fluid in a rotating element, while to deal with problems on the surface of the elements that intersect added additive anti-wearing, etc.. On a more operational in the field much in mild or moderate load conditions, with temperatures around 150 degrees centigrade, the oil which has a base of polymers have advantages. This is because the oil with the base polymer viscosity changed little despite the large temperature changes. So that real applications have a wider range of usability or flexible. But with a low viscosity, or oil that is more dilute, have a higher tendency to evaporate from the oil berkekentalan high. It has also become one of the themes of research on the formula-development engine oil.

Code of an engine oil viscosity, is usually written out of oil cans. The part which is the letter W, a viscosity index were tested with testing system Cold Cranking Simulator (CCS) is performed at low temperatures below zero, for example 10W, 20W, 5W or 0W. The smaller the number on it the more dilute the engine oil. Or the easier the engine starter. But when viewed in its specific usage problems in Indonesia and not in the highlands, oil standard without CCS is also sufficient. If signs of consistency, do not use the letter W, then the oil was only tested with the standard at a temperature of 100 degrees C. The smaller the number, the more dilute, suitable for effisiency emphasis on fuel, but less well to protect the machine elements that are touching each other.

So really from a technical standpoint, to Indonesia which does not encounter the cold temperature, is sufficient to see oil specification with code numbers without the letter W. But in real usage back to the user satisfaction, whether using double standards, or simply by a single standard without testing CCS.

Long Life Engine Oil
With increasing attention to environmental issues, efforts to use the engine oil up to 30.000 km at this time have been started by some oil producers. This is in addition to a lighter burden on the environment also reduces the themes in the care of the machine. From the research it is known that the main cause of reduced damage to the oil begins anti-oxidant additives in the oil. The decrease in anti-oxidation additives are causing damage to the compound base oil because of the chemical process of oxidation, which took effect a chain with other additives damage that accelerates exponentially increases engine oil viscosity. It is known also that the location of the cause of damage to the quality of this engine oil, generally starting from the part between the piston and cylinder.

The use of oil in the oil quality has been damaged condition will result in the emergence of the dirt that accumulated in the machine. This debris comes from the oil itself, which decomposes, and the clot that could eventually be found in machines elements. So to solve this problem the use of anti-oxidant additives, detergent additives and clot-preventing additive to be one of key importance in determining the formula for the new engine oil.

But as a “rule of thumb”, until recently, using regular oil but it is often replaced more secure than using a good oil but it is rarely replaced.

In broad outline, engine oil, there are five groups (according to the Standard API)

GROUP I: Mineral Oil with a sufficiently large impurity
GROUP II: Mineral oil with impurity less than Group I
GROUP III: Mineral Oil as a Group II with a viscosity index greater.
GROUP IV: PAO (PolyAlphaOlefin) Synthetic Oil
GROUP V: Oil Synthetic esters

Today almost all synthetic oil they follow the lower grade and sell it for synthetic oil.
Without seeing the type and quality of oil used, the problem is that there is fuel in the combustion chamber is not completely evaporated, so not everything is on fire. Residual fuel oil and blowby will wet the piston ring and cylinder wall, so that the oil dissolves dry, until the friction between the piston ring to cylinder wall nobody restrain, rapid wear and damage.

The main point is how to make fuel oil that is inserted into the combustion chamber to evaporate (approaching 100%), so that complete combustion will occur, there is residual fuel. Se moderen2nya new artificial motor, it still can not make perfect fuel evaporates in the combustion chamber (depending on the quality of fuel), even more so if there is a mix petrol + kerosene, the machine will quickly be damaged or its performance degrades quickly.

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