Remote Staffing Is A Form Of Telecommuting – Only Better!
Statistics have revealed that more and more companies are open to offering their workforce flexible work options such as telecommuting. In its simplest definition, telecommuting refers to working from a destination other than the regular workplace. This could be your home or it could even be another location. But you are still a part of that organization or company and are on their regular payroll. Companies encourage telecommuting more out of a desire to keep a happy workforce rather than from any desire to cut costs. But what if there was an option that was a happy merger of both benefits?
Telecommuting has many things in common with outsourcing, but with a few major differences. When a company outsources its non-core services to a vendor from, say, India, it is hiring employees who will work virtually for it. In other words, telecommuting.
Remote staffing or employing virtual employees is a form of telecommuting – but only much better!
- Your virtual employee would be working away from your office in another country altogether. However, unlike your local employee who would probably be telecommuting from his or her home, this virtual employee would be operating out of the controlled office of the outsourcing service provider.
- Remote staffing is far more cost-effective. A company gets to save enormously in terms of salaries and other employee benefits when it outsources rather than when its own locally hired workers are telecommuting.
- Access to the best hardware and software and advanced technology is what you remote employee enjoys. Can the same be said for the telecommuter? Probably not. People who work from home may or may not enjoy the kind of easy access to great technology that a reputed outsourcing vendor can provide.
- A virtual or remote employee is accountable, always supervised and completely professional. Working from home may have its distractions and official supervision is limited to Skype conversations and emails and telephone calls. Moreover, a telecommuter works alone and unsupervised.
- A remote employee makes a company feel more in control because the vendor’s HR executives act as a medium between the client and the employee to monitor performance; iron out non-work related issues; and act as a coordinating agency between the client and their hired resources.
- A virtual employee is like any other regular employee who works on a long-term basis for your organization. The only difference is that you are spared the overhead costs of maintain this employee apart from their monthly salaries. You are not expected to pay taxes, hand out bonuses, provide EPF or pension plans, compensate for lapses on part of the company etc.
- Your remote employee can easily be converted into a team and vice versa, at no extra cost. Depending upon the volume of work that you generate or the sales and profits figures reflected in your balance sheet, you are at liberty to upscale or downsize your team of virtual employees.
So, all things considering, hiring a remote employee from an established outsourcing service provider can be a better option than telecommuting local employees.