Computers and Screens for Various Use
Some sectors of the economy need specific tools and have particular needs whether it is in term of materials or equipment, and this is also the case for computers, screens and other high tech products.
Depending on the sector people will certainly not need the same things. As an example, it is quite clear that a doctor or a nurse will have different needs in term of computers as somebody working in a plant or in any industrial sector.
That is why companies developing and selling industrial LCD displays and industrial touch screen adapt their products to each sector they sell to.
Depending on their use LCD displays screens will have different functions and have different cases and protections. It is obvious to say that industrial lcd monitors will need to be customised in a way. A LCD screen in a hospital will have to answer specific standards in term of safety and hygiene compared to a screen in a plant or in a train station that will for example need to be able to cope with dust, high temperature variations and regular use.
Another good example is the mouse. Computers and LCD touch screens placed in public places like the city hall, a tourist office or the train station will need an integrated mouse that cannot be taken away or stolen. For the same reasons, the screens and workstations for example will need a strong case that can protect them against tags, paint, impacts or simply dust or rain.
You probably would not think about it first but very specific computers and laptops are developed for military use. Rugged computers are developed for outdoor use not only in the military sector but also in the building industry. It does make sense when you think about it. An architect or a building supervisor for example may need to use a laptop outside their office. They need a machine that is still capable of good performances but also able to cope with wind, dust, temperature variations, being dropped or even rain. As a result, computer designers need to think about everything. That is why you will often see rugged laptops looking like shells or big suitcases because they need to withstand shocks, be waterproof to some level and leave dust and small particles outside their systems.
LCD display screens and TFT screens are now everywhere in our lives even in places where we would not think of. They have become widely used around the world in many sectors.