Web Application Development and the Different Phases
The World Wide Web is the most widely used source for information, social interaction, business and more to meet the needs for internet users. Web applications act as the mediator between the provider and receiver of information or data on the internet. In the field of software engineering, a web application is an application which can be accessed through a web browser on the internet or through an intranet. Examples of some of the most common web applications on the internet are online auctions, web mail, online games, and retail sales.
These days, the use of web applications has grown tremendously by both individual users as well as by online businesses. Using web applications is very simple, easy and enjoyable. Many of us are not aware about the development of these web applications. Practices and processes used for the creation of web applications is called as web application development. Let us look at the different phases of web application development, which can be best understood by a step by step process.
There are different kinds of technologies used in the process of web application development. Some of the common technologies are PHP, ASP.net, JavaScript, CSS, Ajax, and ColdFusion. According to a survey, developers follow disciplined approaches for web application development using models such as Extreme Programming, Scrum, Timebox development and Feature Driven Development, then testing the web application on the grounds of cross-browser compatibility, accessibility, usability, performance, security, and HTML/CSS validation. We find that in this field there are many web development companies Fort Myers that provide web application development services by using various technologies. Many businesses are taking advantage of web applications for the online presentation of their products or services at the global level. For example e-commerce applications are extensively used by various businesses for many years.
With the advancement in technology, the concept of custom web application development for specific services and error free work has taken an important place in web development. Web development companies Florida offer a wide variety of services such as application development, modification and integration of new features in existing applications, combining the new technologies with old for more productive output and use of the latest technologies for the web application development such as various products of open source technologies.