Slight raise in Common Admission Test applications
The number of candidates for the common admission test (CAT) examination for admission to Indian Institutes of Management (IIM), was finally lifted after a steady decline over the past two years. As registration for the examination of the prestigious business schools closed October 4, about 2.05 lakh were registered to take the test to be held from October 22 to 18 November.
Last year was 2.04 lakh registered to take the tests on computer. In 2009, about 2.42 lakh registered. Apart from the IIMs, the CAT is the entrance test for 150 management institutes in the country.
“The numbers are stabilizing. Well last year, investments have encouraged more people to apply. It is also an indicator that the economy is better,” said Prof. Janakiraman Moorthy, CAT 2011 meeting. “Moreover, enrollment may have increased a little, because the business schools of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and the Faculty of Management Sciences, Delhi, endorsed the CAT this year. ”
The decrease of the candidates and the simultaneous increase in the number of seats increased the possibility of these institutes. With 3000 seats available and 2.05 lakh candidates, about 80 candidates to go to the IIMs this year 13. The proportion of candidates in CAT revenue in 2008 was 1:153 and 2009 was 1:125. The number of students entering universities in the U.S. Ivy League 1:10.
Of the total registered, 73% were male and 27% women candidates. As usual, most of the aspirants, almost 70%, are the meters of the form and the main cities.
City, where for most of the candidates to implement the test in New Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Pune.
Prometric, the technology arm of the IIM, CAT carries.
“The next step is to prepare and review all test sites to ensure that candidates have good experience testing. Applicants should also be familiar with testing procedures a day to see the video that is available on the website CAT 2012, to be sure to bring the right documents, and appear occasionally on the right day, right place, “said Soumitra Roy, CEO of Prometric India.