Grand Rapids SEO Tips – SEO and Web Design
Internet marketing and web design go hand in hand. While web designers often find it a hard task to cope with the specific instructions and demands of a Grand Rapids SEO expert, the feeling is often seen to be same on the other side as well. However it is very important that both the SEO and the designing departments need to work hand in hand for the best results, and identifying the fine line between the two is crucial.
Here are some SEO Grand Rapids tips to help you make your SEO and web designing teams work hand in hand as a single unit, and therefore get the best out of your website.
What Designers Want
The first thing for you to understand is that the design of a website is vital in driving conversions and generating leads. No matter how much traffic you direct to a site, visitors will not buy your products unless they consider your site to be authentic and trustworthy.
Therefore you definitely need the designer to do their part before you even consider your Grand Rapids SEO team to play their part. The designer would want to come up with a professional and attractive design for your website for the best results. That is all good, as long as the site does not become too heavy and take too much time to load.
In other words, the graphics should be light weight, and the designer should avoid using too many images on the site. Also, images should be used in the right format so that they do not slow down the site. No visitor would like to go through a site that responds slowly – and this is an important point to consider.
What SEO Wants
Coming back to the SEO Grand Rapids Team, now that your site is designed, you may want them to do an SEO quality check, and provide your developers and designers with some feedback. The SEO team will want the minimum amount of scripts on the site, absolutely no in-line CSS, no tables (“tr”s and “td”s) where “div”s can be used, and a number of other technical issues. Such technical instructions should be followed as far as possible, as they play a big role in making the website search engine friendly.
One of the most common conflicts is the use of animation and flash. Even though it is possible to optimize flash and animation to some extent, the results are not as favorable as the Grand Rapids SEO team may want to see. This is where you need to understand whether the site has enough content other than the flash animation for the SEO team to use, or if it is absolutely necessary to get rid of it!
In the end, it is all about having a good balance between the SEO and the designing team. Sometimes it even pays to let your designing team sit down with your SEO Grand Rapids team to understand the concepts of SEO – so that both the teams can work towards a common and productive output in the end!