Is the Housing Future Prefabricated?

Many individuals looking for a new home are pleasantly surprised to find extremely aesthetically pleasing models that are actually prefabricated homes. In fact, where once strictly limited to a single-floor construction model, prefabricated homes can now be designed by accredited, educated architects that use factory assembly-line procedures to create multiple-story dwellings. This development making a variety of custom-created homes has been developed I the industry during the past decade. Additionally, these custom-designed prefabricated homes are generally looked upon the same as their conventionally-built counterparts.

Assembly-Line Manufacturing Reduces Costs

Flexible designs geared toward factory assembly-line production help to greatly reduce consumers’ costs that are traditionally associated with conventional building methods. These methods, although nit contrived to fool anyone, nonetheless produce a home that looks very much like a traditional dwelling. This is due to a great number of customization features that are included in the prefabricated home building process. These homes are constructed through the creation of modules, or subsections. Each of these subsections is created in a climate-controlled environment – indoors – where there exists no adverse working conditions that can affect both materials consumed costs and labor expenses. Furthermore, less wasted materials and taking advantage of purchasing in bulk further reduce the building costs for prefabricated homes.

Mister, We Got Your House on the Truck

The module components of a consumer’s new home are created in the factory setting, packaged and then placed on flat-bed trucks for delivery to a building site. These component sections are off-loaded by overhead cranes. Often, prefabricated homes – once completed and arrived at a building site – can actually be assembled by the sufficient amount of laborers in a single day. Not only does this result in a great savings of time, but saving time always translates into saving money as well. In fact, homeowners should expect a two-to-three month time-line from concept to completion.

No ‘Cookie-Cutter Concepts Allowed

One of the best reason prefabricated homes are so popular is because typically no two are alike. Customization possibilities allow individual owners the ability to stamp their own design preferences on a purchase. Architects typically involved in the design of traditionally-built dwellings also have their creative talents deeply involved in the prefabricated home-building industry. Consumers benefit with the selection from a wide varieties of different finishes, colors, trims, paint and types of material including wood, metal, concrete and composite materials. Additionally, since the concept includes the creation of modules to be assembled on-site, these modules can undergo easy customizing in that controlled environment mentioned allowing for better management of unique design. Add-Ons Also Contribute to Design Uniqueness.

Many prefabricated home manufacturers partner with furniture and appliance suppliers that help potential buyers conceptualize just what their new home is going to look like when finished. This “one-stop” shopping concept makes the buying process comfortably convenient. Plus, it also produces greater savings in the long run – much better than attempting to build and furnish a new home working with several independent vendors. Consumers have greater options when it comes to selecting everything from counter-tops to faucets in the bathroom. Also, package buying for appliances helps to not only lower costs, but allows the consumer to mix and match creating possibly an ecclectic environment suitable to one’s specific taste.

It’s Never Too Far Away

Many major manufacturers of high-quality prefabricated homes have staff dedicated to the logistics for every project making sure a smooth route is set upon from assembly-line construction to on-site delivery whether the location is around the corner or across the globe. Prefabricated homes are becoming increasingly popular as a choice for retirees in far-away tropical locations. Therefore, consumers considering spending their golden years in a warm setting can depend upon choosing this special type of home manufacturing for both its quality, costs and convenience. Even taking transportation costs into consideration, prefabricated homeowners should realize 20-to-30 percent more savings than experienced purchasing a traditional house.

About The Author: Donald Bailey has written this article.

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