Symptoms of Urinary incontinence and its treatment
Urinary incontinence is a situation when a person is not able to control his urinal exertions. When the urinary muscles of the patient becomes weak and involuntary she/he is not aware of a urinary motion until a leakage is expelled. Such a situation is obviously quite embarrassing especially when it comes to the social life of the person suffering from it. Not only this, the urinary incontinence is also a direct invitation to various bacterial and viral infections. This also increases a pile of undesired work for the person and her/his family. The incontinence condition is more likely to be faced in elder ages and which is likely to be an unmanageable situation for the patient her/himself.
The continence of urinary muscles is controlled by the urinary bladder muscles called detrusor. The detrusor muscles are connected to our brain by the neuro transmitters. When our bladder gets filled the neuro transmitters connected with the detrusor muscles inform our senses, and in return our brain can volunteer the pressure hold for a while. In case of incontinence either the detrusor muscles are not strong enough to hold a leak or the nerves connecting these muscles to the brain are impaired to control the activity. The common reasons behind weakness of detrusor are prostate enlargement, spinal injuries, anxiety, effect of narcotics and prolonged drug therapy. The incontinence is a more common situation among women than in men. The research shows that about one out of every three women above age of 60 suffers from the same. The men are also likely to suffer from incontinence in old age most probably resulted by the enlargement of prostate glands.
The incontinence is not itself a disease and it is rather a symptom for the weakness of the body organs. Thus deciding that to what extent such a condition is treatable depends on cause behind it. The treatment is followed by the diagnosis of the reason. The therapy for the patient includes medication and surgery. The behavior therapy is extremely beneficial in the cases of anxiety. The patient must consult a dietitian for a diet chart which includes all the essential nutrients and more fibrous food which is helpful in managing level of water thus reducing urinary exertions from the body in case of frequent urination which is known as polyurination. The exercises which strengthen our spinal cord and nervous system such as Yoga and Kegel exercises prove to be extremely beneficial for incontinence patients.
The incontinence is a situation which should not be hesitated and should be quickly consulted with a physician as soon as you discover the symptoms.
The author is a content writer and nowadays he is writing for the CoriumDirect the incontinence pads experts in Ireland.