Tips to Remember in Creating Custom Presentation Folders
Promoting with prospective customers is like looking for a job. You need to look professional and presentable. It’s important that you impress your prospects so they would patronize you. You need to make them see how impressive and valuable your products or services are so they would choose to buy from you rather than your competitions. Achieving this can take a lot of effort and investment, that is, if you don’t know how to market effectively. There is, however, an easy way to do that—through presentation folder printing.
Presentation folders are actually meant to carry important marketing materials such as business cards, brochures, flyers, and DVDs for presentation purposes. They are also ideal for distributing samples, press kits, and product details. If done well, you can be sure to give a good presentation to your prospects.
Of course, it would be best to have a customized folder so you can highlight the good things about your brand effectively. When your competitions are using plain and generic looking folder, you are giving your customers a professionally designed material that will let your business stand out.
If you want your presentation folder to look customized, the following tips will help you create it:
• Picking the size: The common size of presentation folders created these days is 9 inches by 12 inches. But you can always use a different size depending on your need. If you have larger documents to include in your folder, go for a bigger size. But if you will only include small items in the folder, a small sized folder would be enough.
• Pockets to create: The number of pockets you put inside your folder will depend on the type of materials you will put inside. It would be best to put multiple pockets inside ideal for different types of materials. For instance, you can create different pockets for business cards, flyers, and brochures. This will make sure that your materials will stay organized inside the folder.
• Type of paper: You need to use durable and high quality paper stock so the folder doesn’t tear out easily. You can go for double-sided coated paper to make sure both sides are sturdy, but if you don’t have enough budgets, you can always go for single-sided coated paper. There are several paper stocks available today. Find the one best fitted to your folder.
• Pick the appropriate design: It’s important that you design your folder well. The front cover should be exceptionally impressive. It should reflect your business image and the type of offerings you have. Don’t forget to your put logo in a prominent place in your presentation folder templates. As an important branding element, your logo should be easily seen to promote brand recall. Use appropriate images and colors so you can easily communicate your business image and your message.
Plan ahead so you can be sure to get the best custom design for your printer. It’s also important that you find a printer that will understand your printing need and fit your budget. Work closely with the printer so the final print job will look exactly like you want. With careful planning, you can be assured that your folder will give you great presentation and encourage customers and prospects to take you seriously.
These easy and winning tips will allow you to keep your company’s name in the lead of your costumers. For more ideas, visit: presentation folder templates.