Several Ways to Save on Long Term Care Insurance Premiums

It is not surprising why there are only 10 million Americans who are currently insured with LTC insurance as compared to the 32 million who are not yet decided in purchasing a policy. One of the reasons for this is the expensive long term care insurance premiums.

The economic crisis that we had several years ago continues to haunt our financial priorities up to this day, frequently giving us a hard time to purchase or spend money on things that will be of greater use. We tend to prioritize the things we need every day rather than the things that we might need in the future.

We often have the mindset that it is better to save up now then use these savings to compensate on the things that we might need in the coming years than to avail an expensive insurance policy. We think that this is the best alternative for us in order to still have the chance of getting and receiving the best and highest quality of LTC services in the country.

Unknown to many, this is not advisable and this will not be practical because every year, the rates and prices of the possible monthly premiums of an LTC insurance plan usually increases by at least 10 to 12 percent. Simple logic would tell us that this increase will make it even harder for us to afford the already high-priced long term care insurance premiums in the coming years.

According to some insurance industry experts, it is ideal to purchase an LTC insurance policy when the person is younger, healthier, and has stronger financial resources because most of the insurance companies in the country favor and prefer them than those who avail their plans older or nearing their retirement age.

To attract this kind of people, insurance providers grant lower and cheaper rates of monthly premiums to those buy insurance plans early in life. The rates and prices, including the levels of inflation protection of all LTC insurance policies are based on the age of the person at the time of his policy acquisition. More affordable rates and higher levels of inflation protection are sure to be given to them once they meet the standards and requirements set by the insurance companies.

Another important aspect to be considered when buying an LTC insurance plan is the exact location or region in a state where the individual plans to spend his retirement years. Each region in a state has varying rates of monthly premiums, some may be higher than the others but the coverage and quality of services and facilities that the policies provide are almost the same, regardless of the rates.

Although LTC plans are quite expensive, there are still some ways and factors that can contribute in getting lower and more affordable prices from insurance companies. To know more about the long term care insurance premiums in your area, you may check out some of the insurance companies’ websites that provide pertinent details or contact your chosen insurance provider now.

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