Losing electrical power in your home can last anywhere from a couple of minutes to a couple of days. This section provides you with information that will help you deal with electrical power problems, providing information about avoiding power surges, choosing the right generator and restoring electrical power to your home. Aside from wiring problems that may cause lost of electrical power in your household, take note that there is another instance that you may lose electrical power like short circuits or the most commonly hated scenarios are the blackouts.
Experiencing lost of electrical power due to blackout is really irritating and may cause delays in working efficiently with your job or keeping up with the chores around the household. Although blackouts are unpredictable, we should always be prepared like emergency kits in case of blackouts.
In your emergency kit, you must always keep a flashlight available in working condition at all times, and be careful about using candles. They can be fire hazards.
Turn off all unnecessary appliances which were in use when the power went out. Leave the water pump, furnace, refrigerator and freezer turned on. Turn off air conditioning units, however. Turn off all lights except perhaps one to signal you when power is restored. Keep the refrigerator and freezer closed during the power outage to keep from losing the cold air. Avoid flushing toilets or using excessive water if the home has its own water pump. Small amounts of water can be drawn periodically over a long period if the water system was at full pressure when the power went out. With a city water system, water will probably still be available in limited quantity when the power goes out. A toilet can be flushed manually by pouring a bucket of water directly into the stool.
A brownout occurs when the power supplier reduces electrical voltage. This is done to force our appliances and lights to use less electrical power (watts). The lights will dim slightly. Generally, voltage reductions are advertised on radio and television.
When these things occur take these following steps like turn off all lights and appliances except those, which are necessary. Delay jobs like dish washing and laundry until after the brownout is over. Turn off all air conditioning if it is operating, unless it is necessary for a person’s health. If you have an electric range, plan meals that requires a minimum of cooking.
If everyone cooperates and reduces electrical consumption, the duration of a brownout is reduced. It is also important to continue to conserve energy immediately following the brownout or voltage reductions may again have to be put into effect. The power suppliers do reduce voltage more than 10 volts below normal during a brownout, which for limited periods of a few hours will not cause damage to a consumer’s equipment. If the power company does not plan a reduction in power, shut down all equipment with motors. The low power could cause the equipment to burn out the motor trying wiring supplying the equipment. An electrician should be called to check out the problem.
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