How To Tone Your Arms Without Going To The Gym

It’s OK, it happens. You have been super busy with work, family, and everything else that comes along with leading a normal life and you have been slowly adding some unwanted jiggle to your arms. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to go to work, spend time with the wife and kids, do projects around the house, make dinner, and on top of all that, try to make into the gym for an hour or so.

Your tired and just want to sit down and watch some TV, so the gym just seems to be put on hold for today, for this week, for this month, and dare I say, for this year. However, you are far from alone in this situation and sometimes you just have to let reality set in. That reality is that you’re not going to make it to the gym on a consistent enough basis to see the changes you want.

This reality check does not mean that your defeated in your quest for toner and sexier arms. You just have to come up with a plan that doesn’t involve a gym membership and being around sweaty muscle heads all the time.

Home fitness equipment and home workouts have come a long way in the last decade and there are some really great products out there that will help you achieve your fitness goals. Learning how to tone your arms at home is far from hard, and with these tips and products I am about to discuss, there is absolutely no reason for you to buy another gym membership again.

The Old School Pushup

This age old exercise is still one of the best, if not the best, workouts for toning your arms and shoulders. The thing people fail to realize is that you can do a variety of different styles of pushups that will either increase of decrease the difficulty of this exercise.

Don’t be afraid to start doing pushups from your knees to build up your strength. You will get stronger and you will eventually be able to do a normal set of pushups. Set a goal for yourself and don’t quit untill you have reached that goal.

If pushups are too easy for you, place your hands out wider, or place them inside more. This will increase the difficulty and hit different parts of your muscles. Do pushups on your fists, make a star with your hands, or put your feet up on a couch to add different dimensions to your pushup workout.

The perfect pushup is an awesome piece of home fitness equipment, and it even gives you a step by step workout you can follow. It is very sturdy, inexpensive, and if used consistently, will definitely help you tone and define your arms.

Click And Grab Dumbbells

There is no longer a need to buy twenty different sets of dumbbells to be able to go up and down in weight. With the invention of the click and grab home fitness dumbbells, you can know buy one set of dumbbells, change the weight up or down by simply clicking on what weight you want, and get a great muscle defining dumbbell workout right at home.

As with the perfect pushup, these dumbbells come with a variety of different workouts that you can follow. You don’t have to be a fitness expert to know how to tone your arms with these bad boys. There are a few different companies that make these dumbbells, and all of them come with a DVD that shows you the different workouts you can follow.

A far warning to you is these dumbbells can cost up to and over a hundred dollars. If you have the money to spend, I highly recommend them. They are heavy duty and if taken care of, will last you a lifetime.

Again, consistency is key, and if you really want to get rid of that extra flab and sexy up those arms, you should create a workout plan, a workout goal, and make that part of your routine.

The Shake Weight

I know, this product looks absolutely ridiculous and the infomercials are just terrible, but when it comes to effectiveness and efficiency, this is actually a really good product.

The shake weight is designed specifically to tone and define your arms, and if you take action and follow the workout on the DVD that is included with purchase, you can start to see leaner arms in as little as two weeks.

Don t let the weirdness of this product fool you. In the world of fitness, sometimes the strangest and most awkward workouts are the most effective. If you don’t believe me, check out some shake weight reviews and I bet you will be surprised at what people have to say about this product.

As you can see, learning how to tone your arms is not rocket science and it does not take hours and hours of time spent in the gym. Sexy and lean arms can be achieved right in the comfort of your own home and on your own schedule.

The perfect pushup, click and grab dumbbells, and the shake weight are all great products you can use at home to get an awesome work out and get those rock solid arms you are looking for.

Remember, nothing is going to happen without taking action and if you keep a consistent routine you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in just a few weeks.

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