The Commercial Water Treatment Process

By: Chris Camp

Over the last millennium, Engineers and Scientists have worked on creating smart and productive commercial water treatment processes. Keeping in mind, the importance of protecting our health, the ecosystem and the quality of the water, we now have guidelines mandated by the World Health Organization (WHO) as to what, how, when and where we can perform the commercial water treatment process. In addition to the WHO, local counties and/or municipalities can add additional guidelines to the commercial water treatment guidelines already in place – making it more stringent of a process.

The process of commercial water treatment is broken down into three steps, primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. The entirety of the process of commercial water treatment includes a number of specialties to complete including; physical, biological, chemical. electronic, mechanical, and so much more. The steps include things like

  • Initially, the water is fed into the commercial water treatment plant by way of underground plumbing where dirt, rags, wood, plastic as well as other particles will be removed from the water. Giant Augers grind up the debris and filter it. The water than enters grit removal tanks, where heavy inorganic material such as sand, gravel, seeds, and coffee grounds settle to the bottom by gravity.
    • The wastewater then flows into the primary settling basins where the water is left for many hours while the smaller/heavier particles settle to the bottom of the tank (Floc) while mechanical devices skim off things like oil, grease, paint and other lighter particles that float.
  • In the secondary step of commercial water treatment process the wastewater flows into large aeration basins, where air is pumped in for the aid in growth of microorganisms that naturally live in wastewater. Diffused air enters the very deep tanks (up to thirty feet) by way of holes in the bottom of the tank-creating bubbles which gives the appearance the liquid is boiling.
    • Microorganisms are referred to as “activated sludge” which serves to clean the wastewater by consuming the organic matter along with other pathogens. Wastewater remains here in the aeration tanks for approximately three hours to allow time for the microorganisms to grow and digest the bacteria.
    • The next step in the commercial water treatment process is when the wastewater enters the secondary clarifiers (basins). The activated sludge settles out of the water in the secondary clarifiers and some of the sludge is reused in the treatment process. The sludge that is not reused is collected, thickened, and dewatered using rotation and pressing which squeeze out the excess water. The resulting sludge is transported to a landfill for disposal.
    • The nearly clean waste now transfers into the final settling tanks where any remaining particles are settled out.
    • Finally in the commercial water treatment process, Chlorine or a similar product is injected into the water to kill any remaining bacteria.

    The resulting product is than released into its appropriate path and destination. Some facilities will release directly into rivers where as others will explore underground tunnels to transfer to other locations.

    About Author:
    Chris Camp from Aquamaster writes about The Commercial Water Treatment Process. For more information about The Commercial Water Treatment Process visit

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