Joomla Extensions embellish your Online experience

Images are what make a website worthwhile! If bundle of images are necessary for a website then an effective code is also needed. The internet has eased the job of website designing today. With the assistance and help of an open source platform, website development has become an easy task for non-programmers as well. Apparently, most website owners without much knowledge in coding manage to run their website at ease with the content management.

The power of Joomla CMS and Extensions :-

Due to the open source nature, Joomla CMS is very popular worldwide and widely used for the creation of interactive and dynamic web pages. Its easy management features and effortless free installation have made Joomla a hot favorite Content Management System among web developers. Joomla provides extremely useful extensions to deliver dynamic websites. Gallery Joomla Extensions includes video plug-ins for videos and images, ready-made themes and so on. Below is more about Image gallery extension:

Image Gallery for Stacks of Photos :-

Photos have the ability to attract visitors. Consequently, today it has become a trend to publish various images to create a user interactive site. You can pick a photo gallery extension for Joomla CMS will provide you with the solutions of being able to pile up large number of images in the website and optimize them with various features creating an impact on the appearance of the site.

Features and Effects of Gallery Extension :-

The Joomla image gallery proved to be a very successful extension which works smoothly with most of the browsers with superb effects. Any number of albums can be viewed and added in each album with the gallery’s support. Each album is categorized with appropriate titles and relevant images. When the thumbnail is placed over the album over image, it gets lightened. To give a classic touch, choose a group and view of a ordered array of images.

Now to see some magic, place the mouse over an image. You will be absolutely amazed and astonished by the effects of the gallery. By rolling the mouse over an image, the image which comes in contact with the pointers is blown out blurring the rest of them. Click on the thumbnail image, you will get to see the full view of the image in the light box effect with name, description and slide show. It also sports a thumbnail link which once clicked gets a quick array of thumbnail images for the album. An extension that enhances your image viewing experience is definitely a good choice.

Joomla Extensions 1.5 and Joomla Extensions 1.6 are the new structures that overtake the previous ones in performance and promise effective outcomes. With the right choice of Joomla Extensions you can increase your website value.

About the Author :-

The author writes about Joomla Extensions, of which the latest ones being Joomla Extensions 1.5 and Joomla Extensions 1.6. In this article, the author emphasizes more on the gallery Joomla extension.

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