7 Steps In Writing Im Sorry Letters

Making mistake is something that we cannot avoid. They say making mistake is inevitable. Knowing to apologize for these mistakes is very important to maintain a good relationship to people that surrounds you. It is very easy to say sorry to a person, but what makes it hard is to make them believe that you truly are sorry.

There are many ways to ask for apology. Some decides to give peace offerings such as flowers, chocolates or gifts. Some do special favors for the person that they have hurt. For those people who are too shy to say sorry face to face, Making Im sorry letters would be the best way to ask for apology. Personally, I believe that making Im sorry letters is the best way to say sorry. This is because you have more time to think of what to say and you have time to reflect on the outcome of your every word.

Step 1:Make a list of all the things you want to include in your letter. If you want to say sorry about many things, it is important to list it down in a scratch paper. You may need to refer to this list as you make your draft letter.

Step 2: Write a draft of the letter. Write all the things you want to say, you may refer to your list. You do not need to worry to the grammar, punctuation and spelling; all you need is to express yourself when making the draft.

Step 3: Acknowledge specifically what you did and say wrong. This makes the person believe that you are truly sorry. Saying sorry but does not know why there is a need to say sorry may mean insincerity to the person.

Step 4: Explain why you did such action. Explaining everything may help the person understand your other side of the story. Nevertheless, do not fill your letter with these explanations as it may show that you are trying to blame the person of what happened.

Step 5: Tell the person why you will never do it again. This will leave an assurance to the person that you will not commit the same mistake again. This shows how sorry you are for your actions.

Step 6: End your letter by repeating how sorry you are. Though it is only on the letter, make it in a lighter and friendly tone.

Step 7: Rewrite your letter in a clean paper. This is the time to check the spelling, grammar and punctuation. You may ask a friend to read on the letter to let you know if something is wrong with it.

Click on the website Im Sorry Letters and Sorry Letter Sample.

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