PC Technical Support Site Features Tips On How To Fix Overheating Computers
Overheating is one of the most common computer issues. Many factors cause this kind of computer problem. To remedy it would depend as to what computer parts are overheating.
PC Technical Support Site is a company that provides PC technical support service and does computer troubleshooting for clients. Most of the time they encounter “overheating” issue. They have observed that the overheating issues of most of their clients refers to nearly similar causes.
In case that you experience this computer issue the company features some tips they recommend:
Ensure that the errors are really caused by overheating. Move your computer to the coolest place of your house. You may choose to lower the temperature of the room instead by cranking up the air conditioning. Operate the computer and see if the same problems appear. If they do not, that is a fair indication that overheating occurs.
Check for dust. Remove the computer’s outer cover and see if dust has built up. Dust can reduce airflow, it can slow down the fans or other mechanical components it gets into, or it can act as an insulator causing heat to increase. Use air blowers to remove the dust.
Determine if you have components that are set to overwork. If you assembled the computer yourself, you may have adjusted certain components to higher settings for boosting their performance. If you have a device working at a higher voltage or higher clock cycles, lower down its setting or remove it altogether, if possible.
Inspect the temperature around the components that use the most power. These are the CPU, the graphics processor, the power supply and the hard drives. Use your hand to assess the ambient temperature. It shouldn’t be more than 2 degrees Celsius warmer than the room’s temperature, while the computer is running. You can tape temperature sensors bought from a computer store, if unsure. Change the placement of the components or the fans to improve the airflow, if you found components blocking the air intake.
Buy and install a cooling fan. Choose a fan that can lower temperature of your motherboard by as much as 5 degrees Celsius.
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