Window Replacement in Florida
Many older buildings have non-impact windows. These windows are not secure or durable when faced with many situations. When you live in a hurricane susceptible area the last thing you need are windows that will shatter. This is why impact windows are necessary. These windows are tested to withstand hurricane force winds and the kinds of things that might be carried in those winds as impact devices. They are able to withstand six key elements. They are proofed against air infiltration. They are resistant to water entry. They withstand intrusion. They are able to protect against high winds, flying debris, and the kinds of forces that a hurricane produces.
Unlike shutters, hurricane impact resistant windows can provide constant protection for your home or commercial property. Many times these windows include UV protection, noise reduction, savings on energy bills, and resistance to intrusions on top of the hurricane resistance. Because these windows will maintain their integrity even after an impact, they prevent the worse types of damage that a hurricane can cause. All of this is provided by beautiful open windows that maintain the views even in the worse weather.
There are a couple of factors to consider when choosing a company to install these windows. You will want to get the right product for your building codes and insurance requirements. Dealing with a company that knows what is required makes this process much easier. A specialist in this field will help you locate the right products for your area and assist you in selecting the best one for your needs. You will want to get someone who understands how vital perfect installation is. Any one window installed flawed compromises the structure’s survival in the event of a storm. Select a company that knows this and stands by their work.
Florida Window and Door is a premier manufacturer of hurricane impact resistant windows and doors. Produced to the most exacting industry standards, our high performance, high aesthetic product collections offer advanced hurricane Protection Shutters of home and commercial structures, in both new and existing construction.