Reverse Osmosis Systems World Wide
By: Chris Camp
As one of the standard technologies in water purification, reverse osmosis systems (RO) is widely used within commercial, industrial and domestic settings. This Technology has been utilized for many years and is tried and true.
It is thought that the world market of reverse osmosis industry is expected to reach 5.6 billion dollars by 2012 as it has been on a steady rise over the past decade.
Reverse osmosis systems is a process of water purification whereby the impurities in the water are removed. This process is completed by the filtration through a semi-permeable membrane whereas the wastewater is forced through the membrane that results is the filtering out of its impurities and providing clean fresh potable water.
Of course there are many other forms of water purification besides the reverse osmosis systems and the choice of which to use is ultimately the home or business owner. Some of reverse osmosis systems competitors and/or counterparts are:
- Nano-filtration: is a relatively recent technology that involves a membrane filtration process used most often with surface water or fresh groundwater. The goal of nano filtration is to soften and disinfect all forms of organic matter. nano-filtration is popular in food processing industries-like the dairy industry.
- By comparison to reverse osmosis systems, nano filtration utilizes a pressure system where the reverse osmosis system relies on the concentration gradient for movement. nano filtration does not rely on a pore system as in the reverse osmosis system.
- Ultra filtration: This format is similar to the action that transpires in humans kidneys every day. Ultra filtration is a membrane filtration method in which hydrostatic pressure (gravity pressure) forces a liquid against a semi-permeable membrane. This method is used to filter the larger molecules of suspended solids while allowing water and low molecular solutes access through the membrane. Ultra-filtration is applied in cross-flow or dead-end mode and separation in ultra-filtration. This is also very similar in its filtration utilizing a semi-permeable membrane
- By comparison to reverse osmosis systems, the ultra filtration is similar in that it also creates movement by way of water pressure just like its counterpart, reverse osmosis systems. The primary difference is that Ultra filtration filters larger size molecules than does the reverse osmosis system.
- Microfiltration: is a membrane filtration process which removes contaminants from a fluid (liquids and gases) by travelling through a micro-porous membrane.
- By comparison to reverse osmosis systems, microfiltration has its differences. Reverse osmosis utilizes pressure for its waters movement. Whereas, microfiltration doesn’t need to include pressure.
- Particle filtration: can be a mechanical or physical means in which the separation of solids from fluids (liquids or gases) is accomplished. With a filter that only fluid can pass through. The large solids are captured and not allowed to flow with the clean water.
For further information on these products and processes, there is an enormous amount of information on the internet-Google will drive you safely to your interested sites.
Keywords: Water Softening Cambridgeshire,Harvey’s Block salt water softers, Twin tank non-electric water softers, Block salt water softers, Water Softeners Cambridgeshire, Water Purification Cambridgeshire
About Author:
Chris Camp from Aquamaster writes about Reverse Osmosis Systems World Wide. For more information about Reverse Osmosis Systems World Wide visit