How to Buy Casual or Dressy Savane Pants
Savane pants offer affordable style for both casual and dressier occasions. Without breaking the bank or adding too much flair, Savane slacks convey a sense of simple, classic style that is both timeless and ultimately appropriate for various occasions. Savane has a wide range of pants and slacks and is constantly changing and updating its styles, so to get the right pair it is important to know how to pick flattering casual pants and dress slacks.
The first consideration is where to wear the pants. Depending on a man’s build, his waist and the natural place where pants sit may not be the same place. Pants straight from the supplier may fit well in the inseam and length but not the waist, or some other combination. There are some general rules based on the style and cut of the pants, but the best bet is to try some different pants on to get a feel for how various styles tend to fit before purchasing them online. The other option is to get pants that fit in most ways and have them tailored for a few extra dollars so they fit in every dimension.
There are a number of different style options common to many pants, but the main considerations are cuffs, pleats, and slim or wide-leg. Generally, cuffs work better for lanky men with long legs, while no cuffs will help shorter men look taller. Cuffs are also necessary with pleats as the weight holds them in place. Pleats tend to favor men with large thighs, while flat-front pants are better for thinner men. Pleats also add a sense of classic style that may be preferable to the modern look of flat-front pants in some cases. Slim-leg pants are similarly more modern looking, but they are also generally better for slimmer men with smaller legs and a smaller upper body.
Consider all these options when choosing between Savane pants to get the style that best matches your body and the style you want.