Public Private Partnership Management

To understand BIDs as sub-governmental units, it is important to understand the nature of Replica Watches partnerships, particularly formal partnerships. In essence, public-private partnerships provide the essential institutional framework for cities to compete in the global market by combining private resources and expertise with the local governmental powers.

It is noted that BIDs and the term “partnership,” due to their complexity, are referred to in a number of descriptive ways. A BID, as a PPP, can be viewed organizationally (such as PPP management corporation);as a legal contract (such as special district) between government and a private entity; by governance status (such as a subunit of government); or politically (such as quasi-governmental).

Partnerships are formed by and require collaboration— both the process of arriving at consensus-oriented agreements as a mutual qualitative imperative and the management, or implementation, of the partnership, which requires collaboration and networking. Collaborations establish new organizations and a sense of community. It is possible to see that collaboration contains many of the same processes as policy development, as do partnerships.

Partnerships are a result of a policy to collaborate— to be multilateral rather than unilateral. This process is part of every BID, In successful BIDs, this process is implemented either in the creation of a new organization that integrates existing organizations under one umbrella organization or in the creation of a new umbrella organization.

New and existing leadership evolves to embrace and represent all parts of the partnership. Difficulty arises when the new organization is not inclusive and synthesizing. If that happens, it either takes on the unintended role of a sub-department of the local government or acts as an unnecessary business advocate competing with other self-identified agencies, thereby violating the premise of the collaboration.

There are two aspects to a BID: public and private. First, the business improvement district itself is a part of the municipal government, not a sovereign political entity. It is a public agent guided by the enabling ordinance and legislation, and it is a public trust of the municipality. Second, the management entity is not the BID. It is the management and representational aspect of the BID. Contractually, this represents the public-private partnership. Through the ordinance, the municipal government retains appropriate oversight responsibility regarding the purpose, practices, governance, and budget of the BID as it impacts the municipality as a whole.

The management of the BID is its implementation capability. It is common, but confusing, Replica Watches when the management entity and the BID are unknowingly collapsed into one subject. This skews a true assessment of what the BID is and how it functions. By agreeing to manage the BID, the management entity forfeits its independence from government and assumes appropriate public oversight and official and public responsibilities of the municipal government as defined in the ordinance.

As authors Goktug Morcol and Patricia A. Patrick explain in Business Improvement Districts: Research, Theories, and Controversies,” BIDs illustrate the interdependencies between public and private sectors and the erosion of the distinctions between the public and the private, and they highlight the need to re-conceptualize accountability and democratic representation in governance networks.”

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