Smart Podiums and Digital Lectern Systems
Smart Podium is a term that described a complete system to integrate all the necessary E- Classroom equipments and devices into one system. Smart Classroom that is equipped with Smart Podiums provides the latest Technological presentation aids & tools. The multimedia Smart Podium or Lectern system are ideal for classrooms and corporate training sites. With the multimedia podium, e-class, e-learning, e-classroom, e-course is beginning. Now these days almost each and every classroom is equipped with a Smart podium or Lectern for making their Classroom Smart and advanced.
Smart Podiums or Lectern Systems support Live Education System, Video Conferencing System for Multiple users, e-Learning System Integration and Classroom Technology. Whether you are giving a lecture, presentation or speech session at work or in front of a large number of audience Smart Podiums help presenters create compelling lectures by bringing interactivity to the whole presentations sessions. Lecturers or Faculty are able to write over their favorite applications in digital ink, access website content or multimedia files and display everything you do to a large screen so everyone can see it.
By utilizing the SMART Podiums Notebook software, presenters are able to save notes, capture screens and images and other work to a single file. They can also save digital notes directly into several software applications, including AutoCAD and Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel and Word softwares. Smart Podiums or Digital Power Lecterns address technology-based learning environments. The benefits of teaching in a classroom equipped with a SMART Podium are immeasurable if you are teaching with technology. A SMART Podium provides you, as instructor, with all you need at the touch of a simple button, and with practically zero set up time, you can easily project video clips, audio, or other common computer files to your students. You can also elect to plug in your own laptop computer if you like.
Smart Podiums comes in various amazing designs. They may use the dual monitor system for creating easy presentation sessions. The lecturer can use this podium to conduct the class with much convenience and effectiveness. It can realize full-automation and security function for lecturers.
While delivering a speech or lecture or presentation in front of audience, Smart Podiums or lectern system helps you in remaining focused, organized and anchored. Using a podium helps a speaker a lot as we can have every required device near by us and thus can make a successful and effective meeting or lecture session.
Smart Podiums and Digital Power Lecterns are having many advantages. Using them we can convert our boring classroom into innovative and revolutionary classroom known as Smart Classes also. These days’ lecterns and Podiums are now using in our entire world for making efficient use of technologies and digital devices under one single roof. Todays’ classrooms are well equipped with podiums containing visualizer (document camera), visual presenters, tablet monitors, laptops, speaker system, amplifier and many more and all these equipments are set under a single lectern system so as to provide user a friendly and collaborative learning environment.
Smart Podiums gave us various good opportunities to learn. They allow teaching and learning with technology to occur on a daily basis because all of the necessary hardware components are right there where we need them. There are soo many endless applications of Smart Podiums and Digital Lectern Systems like sending notes to students, record sound with all graphics and provide a student dynamic and interesting presentations to engage them and for sure getting their attention.