Never Enough for Long Term Care Costs
Is it part of your goal to grow old graciously and with dignity? If so you should treat long term care costs with utmost importance. Doing so will enable you to plan your future healthcare needs effectively instead of being satisfied with what is currently in your nest egg.
People look at long term care (LTC) from different angles. Some of them would consider it as a fleeting moment which will last a few months to a year that’s why they don’t give it much attention. Besides that, some stubborn minds want to believe that when the time comes that they would need care the government will come up with something for them as healthcare is its top priority.
What many people still do not understand is the fact that LTC is a predicament not only to the population that is currently on its receiving end but even to the government. Various government agencies have, in fact, teamed up with private insurance companies and LTC facilities just to ensure that every American will receive quality care amidst their meager resources.
Unfortunately, the government’s funds are not exclusively for healthcare only as there are other important national matters that have to be considered, too, such as housing and education among others.
Now one’s health care is supposed to be his own responsibility so it is totally unfair to put the weight of this problem on the government. Though it has a health insurance program called Medicaid, which is primarily designed for low-income individuals and families, individuals who are lucky to be in lucrative jobs should not aim for this program anymore as they are offered better opportunities.
Young and healthy folks are advised to secure a long term care insurance (LTCI) policy so that they can receive care however and wherever they want someday. With Medicaid, this is just too close to impossible.
Backup for Long Term Care Costs
Never be too confident that your nest egg and retirement savings will be enough to cover your future healthcare expenses because the truth is, it will never be enough.
As long as the population that requires LTC continues to grow expect the cost of care to increase, as well. Think about the law of supply and demand in economics as this is applied in LTC, too. It is natural for nursing homes and community-based LTC facilities to increase their rates because they are also constantly putting out money to acquire new equipment to ensure that their incoming residents will have something to use and shall be comfortable, too.
When the population of elderly and disabled people cease to grow then that’s the only time we can all say that prices of LTC services will never increase again.
Until that day, you and I are left with no other choice but to prepare for long term care costs as these are expected to double in 2026 and increase fourfold in 2030. Contact your LTCI agent and discuss your options. Thirty or forty years from now you’ll be glad that you did just that.
Research and compareĀ long term care quotes before buying a policy. Weigh your options and choose from different long term care plans.