Contact Equity Release Providers to Ensure a Secured Retirement

A new day has finally come for the tension tossed pensioners for whom lives had been quite tough all these years. It’s indeed not easy to lead a lavish lifestyle on a scanty income. Therefore, the pensioners who have been struggling after their retirement can now dream and expect something miraculous. As a matter of fact, the property prices are rising higher and higher with the progress of time. This has opened the gates of fortune for all retired homeowners with the option of equity release. Moreover, the interest rates for pension plans have fallen to a good extent and this has shattered smiles of several retirees. If you are one of the, you need to get in touch immediately with one of the equity release providers.

With the release of equity, you get a lump sum from one of the equity release providers in return. The equity you release against your property value provides you a fixed monthly income. The cash you keep receiving every month is all yours and is completely tax-free. This means that you can utilize the money behind any purpose of your choice.

You must have craved to arrange a world tour with your family several years back and it was your hectic work schedule that stopped you from executing the plan. Now, the time has come to take advantage of the equity release scheme and accomplish all your goals. You can earn loads of cash and can even buy a new property. Now, the most important thing is to first understand these complex schemes prior to talking to equity release providers.

Lifetime mortgage and Home Reversion plans are the two most reputed policies concerned with the release of equity. In case of lifetime mortgage, you have to pay a certain portion to your equity release representative and in return you will receive a fixed income for lifetime. For this, you are not even required to neither switch homes nor take some other property for shelter.

These are not those typical retirement schemes with easy rules and regulations. To get eligible for equity release, you need to maintain good property conditions; clear all dues if any; must be at least 55 and should own the property somewhere within UK. Make sure that the equity release providers you are talking are knowledgeable in relation to release of equity. Once you have done your researches, you can proceed for the scheme.

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