What All Rhinoplasty New York Can do For You?
Your nose is the center point of your face and affects your appearance like no other feature. A bump on the nose or a nose that is too big or crooked or even droopy does nothing for your face. However, a nose that is too large for your face and may look perfectly fine on another so it’s compatibility with the rest of the face is more important than its actual size or shape. Rhinoplasty New York is more about harmonizing the nose with other facial features rather than creating perfect nose which may still stand out like a sore thumb.
While going for a nose job, several factors are to be kept in mind such as age of the person, reasons for opting for the procedure, comparison with the rest of facial features and of course ethnic considerations. You should be at least 16 before you even consider rhinoplasty otherwise the growing bones and changing facial contours may demand additional surgery.
A number of people opt for Rhinoplasty New York due to functional anomalies such as an obstruction in nasal passage that makes breathing difficult. Deviated septum or enlarged turbinates may be the reason behind patient finding more difficult to breathe out of one nostril than the other. It is not only entirely possible to remove obstruction through Rhinoplasty but also surgery for functional impairment is covered under Insurance.
However, there is a larger section of patients that opt for rhinoplasty entirely for cosmetic reasons. The upper portion of the nose is made up of the nasal bones which can be broken and reset to make it slender. The procedure is known as osteotomy which is also performed to correct a large bump on the nose. The mid-portion of the nose is made up of cartilage and has to be filed down to match it with the nasal bone. Sometimes, this area contributes to a bump as well. Segments of cartilage may be placed in the mid-portion of the nose to treat breathing problems or to straighten a crooked nose.
The lower portion or the tip of the nose is also made of cartilage which can be removed as well as sutured to narrow the tip or make it less boxy. In the cases where nasal tip is too small or thin, extra cartilage is placed in the form of a graft to give it a bulkier look.
In fact, a good Rhinoplasty New York surgeon need to examine your nose before suggesting the most realistic approach to solve any functional or cosmetic problems you may have with your nose.
Dr. Jennifer Levine is a top notch board certified Rhinoplasty New York Surgeon with years of experience. To know more about her and various procedures she performs, check out http://www.drjenniferlevine.com