What Is an Avalanche Beacon?

Before you begin any kind of winter sport in the backcountry, it is important to have very good avalanche terrain skills, and gear to keep you safe from any causality. An avalanche beacon is a necessary piece of gear, and it is significant to know how to use it.

Let us understand what an avalanche beacon is and how it works?
Beacon is an electronic locator device that one has to wear on body while traveling in avalanche terrain. It can be switched “on” to send or receive signals. When traveling in avalanche terrain you generally have to wear beacon switched to send signal mode. It is going to be of great help in case you are trapped in an avalanche.

How does an avalanche beacon work?
An avalanche beacon or transceiver transmits signal that can be easily picked up by other avalanche transceiver. In general a beacon is worn in transmission mode that is beeping. When a search is in progress, the beacon has to be switched to search mode to receive signals from the buried beacon. The modern beacons are technologically advanced, so signals can be heard or seen on it. It is indicated by a beep sound or a flashing light on the device.

How to search with an avalanche beacon?
The search has to be started with the beacon set up in a mode to pick up signals from the farthest point. The searcher has to follow the signals from the buried beacon; the signals will get louder, as you come closer. You have to adjust beacon according to the signals, at one point it will come to the lowest setting, and you will be able to locate the buried beacon. The perfect way to work on this search operation is to follow the network. Remember the first spot from where you pick up the signal is the furthest point and you have to work around the point that is up and down, back and forth till the signal gets brighter or louder.

Who should wear this device?
It is life saving device for the enthusiast who go for adventure in avalanche terrain; snowshoers, snowboarders, skiers, hikers.

Practice with avalanche beacon till you became proficient with it. It is important to do drills time to time with your partner. It will ensure that you know how to use it, and the device is working properly. It is a device you wish you never have to use, and in case you do have to use than it is to save someone’s life. Here, your expertise will make the difference between life and death.

For more information about Avalanche Beacon, please visit www.avalanchetools.com

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