New Long Term Care Tax Deductions Set Higher Hopes for the Insurance Industry
In an effort to further boost the number of those who currently own long term care insurance policy, the government, through the Internal Revenue Services (IRS), has come up with the latest levels of long term care tax deductions to be implemented starting this year.
The tax deductibles were developed and analyzed in order to help lessen the burdens of LTC-related expenses of Medicaid and also to maximize the health care budget. Also, these new levels of tax deductibles will benefit those individuals, as well as those small business owners, to sustain and compensate a much affordable monthly premium for their insurance plans.
Many private sectors, including the American Association for Long Term Care Insurance (AALTCI) are happy to know of these new levels. They are aware that through this new development, more people and business owners, big and small alike, will be encouraged and will be more willing to purchase LTC insurance plans especially now that many new improvements are being developed and implemented by the people in the government.
A long term care policy is considered tax-qualified if it suits some of the standards and requirements as written in the law. The following are just some of the requirements for an LTC insurance plan to be considered tax-qualified:
– Within 12 months, a licensed medical worker must state and confirm that an insured person is “chronically ill”.
– The policy should be guaranteed renewable.
– The benefits under qualified long term care policies cannot copy benefits from Medicare.
– Non-forfeiture and some levels of inflation protection must be offered by the insurance provider.
– The policy must have at least five Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and must also have medical supervision due to severe cognitive impairment. To be considered tax-qualified, either or both of these should be present before a certification is given.
The figures listed below are the new levels of long term care tax deductions for the year 2011 based on Section 213(d)(10):
– 40 or less – $340
– More than 40 but not more than 50 – $640
– More than 50 but not more than 60 – $1, 270
– More than 60 but not more than 70 – $3, 390
– More than 70 – $4, 240
One must also remember that LTC insurance premiums are considered medical expenses if the insured person exceeds 7.5 percent of his Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). Any LTC insurance premium that is considered medical expense depends on the age of the person and any excess thereafter will not be covered.
With this new level of tax deductions, those who presently own LTC insurance plans are now more at ease and convinced that they have made the right choice and decision when they purchased their insurance plans.
Insurance industry experts are expecting that these new levels of long term care tax deductions are just the beginning of having flexible and lighter terms and conditions of LTC insurance policies in the country. They are also hoping that through this latest progress, more Americans would be willing and interested to purchase LTC insurance for their future LTC needs.