Phishing Protection to Safeguard Your Organization from Social Engineering
The chief hazards in the tech world today are social engineering and phishing that is best described as a criminal strategy by hackers and other unapproved third party operators. The way it works, is by setting up a technical deception that leads to illegal stealing of financial data, personal information, account numbers, passwords and other essential data. You will often find hoax emails and even text messages that requests for your email id, and other critical details thereby leading you to counterfeit websites. These websites trick the users and make them disclose their personal data because of which their mails are hacked and so on.
Mulling on the present scenario of social engineering attacks the United States Federal Trade Commission reported approximately 255,000 instances of identity hacking in 2003, of which majority were a result of phishing.
Enterprises affected by Phishing
Any form of phishing attacks are not only harmful for an individual recipient or employee but also for the enterprise that is being impersonated. Instances of global names affected by this social engineering bug include PayPal, Wells Fargo, Barclays Bank, eBay and the like. Along with these global giants, other smaller financial firms like Sky Financial, LaSalle Bank has been affected in the recent past. Hence we observe that, the loss created by these phishers have made users and individuals extremely watchful. This is a reason why leading business houses as well as customers are practicing or resorting to phishing awareness training program that would help them to prevent this criminal act.
The market offers you a gamut of solutions and services that addresses this threat. However, very few anti phishing software addresses the “people risk” factor that is involved here. The present trend is the “incident based reactive approach” towards this social engineering attack. However, when companies have to prepare phishing awareness programs for their employees they still find it a difficult task.
To help aid this problem there are eminent names dealing in phishing protection solutions that helps enterprises to analyze whether their workforce is aptly informed against social engineering hazards. The various services that are provided are listed below:
1. Helps enterprises in estimating the probable hazards associated with phishing
2. Offers elastic reporting and incorporate them back into company’s chief performance-indicator framework
3. Offers a “road map” solution concentrating on security awareness and training within an enterprise
4. Helps recognize weakness within people, method and technology links
5. Helps in prioritizing remediation attempts through useful benchmarking and maturity analysis
6. Helps in increasing employee awareness and expertise to safeguard crucial information
A comprehensive phishing protection solution or software always helps you and your organization to function smoothly without the fear of any social engineering attacks.
Other links: phishing awareness training