I’m No Sportsman – So Why Do I Have Athlete’s Foot?
Where It All Begins
On every human, there are bacteria and fungi present on the skin of the foot; most of which are harmless.
In some conditions however, these organisms can multiply causing an infection, such as Athlete’s Foot. Otherwise known as a fungal infection.
Well, why is it called Athlete’s foot?
One of the most common misperceptions of Athlete’s Foot is that only athletes can contract it.
On the contrary; whilst most athletes when compared to us can be considered somewhat superhuman, that is not to say they are – not to the point of experiencing their very own infections anyway.
Athlete’s foot is so named because, yes, athletes often get it. But why? Well, the fungus that causes the infection can be found in areas where athletes often reside; swimming pools, public showers, and locker rooms. People walk barefoot on these surfaces transferring the fungus onto their feet.
Fungi: What exactly is that…
Fungi are organisms which survive by feeding off broken-down tissue, including humans.
In the case of Athlete’s Foot, it is caused by a particular group of fungi called dermatophytes. Your feet provide the ideal living conditions for these fungi to live and grow; warm, dark and humid – thus being found in areas such as swimming pools and locker rooms.
Dermatophytes cause infections in areas such as the nails, outer layers of the skin, scalp and hair. The main groups of fungi that cause fungal infections such as athlete’s foot are:
• Dermatophytes (tinea)
• Yeasts (candida)
• Moulds
So how Can I avoid it?
First of all, avoid those with it. When I say avoid, I don’t mean block their calls and change the locks – Athlete’s Foot is a contagious fungal infection, it can be spread through direct and indirect contact. For example:
Direct Contact
Skin-to-skin contact; someone may develop the infection if they touch your affected skin and do not wash their hands afterwards. Or a game of flirtatious footsy could do it.
Indirect Contact
The fungi could be passed via contaminated towels, bed sheets and clothing.
When it comes down to it, sportsman or not, you are fully capable of contracting Athlete’s Foot regardless of your lifestyle. The good news? If caught early on, it is easily treatable.
About the Author: Maria Bantellis is a health writer on fungal conditions such as Athlete’s Foot