Must Know Facts, Before Using a Flag
Flags are in existence from a long time. They are matter of proud of all organizations and countries, which they represent. There is no country or organization on the earth, which can digest the dishonor of its flag. Flags are categorized as national flag, organizational flag and commercial flag.
Each country has its own flag, which is regarded as a national flag for the country which it belongs to. National flags are bound with certain rules and regulations about their size and usage. You can not use them against the constitution of your country. Using these flags against the rules and regulations can send the person behind the bars.
Organizations of utmost significance have also their flags, for instance Army forces of different countries, UNO, IMF, World Bank, etc. They are like the symbol of the organization and people linked to these organizations salute the flags. Before using their flag, go through the policies of the organization and enquire them about whether they have copyright or not.
Commercial Flags are used for business and individual purposes like holiday, decoration, etc. They are classified as corporate logo flags, message flags, attention flags, hotel and resort flags, etc. These flags are always in high demand as business houses use them on different occasions to represent their business group. If you are looking for a business flag, you can find it in different colors, designs and clothes. There are no rules and regulations about using them and you can use them as per your wish without tension. But don’t use corporate logo flag of any company without taking the permission from them.
Precisely, while you use national flag of your country, must be aware about the guidelines about their usage. Organizational flags are related to specific organizations, use them your purpose confirming about the copyright. When you are going to use commercial flags, use them as you want but don’t use the corporate logo flags of any corporate house or flags registered with copyright organization.