How to Play SD DVD and Videos in HD Ones with ArcSoft Total Media Theatre

Do you find it’s really annoying to watch unclear and shaky videos? Want to turn SD to HD which is much clearer and easier to watch? Try ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre, which is embedded with ArcSoft’s improved SimHD algorithm. It can upscale your collection of standard multimedia files and SD DVDs up to near HD quality, which provides you a splendid graphical experience.

How to Play SD DVD and Videos in HD Ones with ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre

Step 1: Open your selected multimedia files or DVD disc

Install and launch ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre with SimHD plug-in. Note: Please make sure your computer system matches the requirements. Click “Open” button on the left top of TotalMedia Theatre screen to select from your local multimedia files or DVD disc.

Step 2: Enable SimHD function to turn SD to HD

You can enable the “SimHD” function after you choose to playback a standard-definition video file or DVD. All you need is simply clicking SimHD button on the top control panel of TotalMedia Theatre screen to turn on the function and the quality of your  will instantly turn into near-HD quality.

Step 3: Customize SimHD settings to play HD videos

Or you can also choose to customize the SimHD settings for playing HD videos, click the arrow icon next to SimHD button to display the “SimHD” Settings dialog box.

Tip 1:How to choose parameters automatically

Select “Automatic” option, the program automatically chooses the appropriate parameters according to your computer’s system. Uncheck this option to customize your settings

Tip 2:Apply CPU and GPU optimizing

Choose “CPU” or “GPU” to support SimHD with upscaling. Note: To enable GPU support, you need a compatible graphics card and have the latest driver with NVIDIA CUDA or AMDStream installed. Refer to SimHD for more information.

Tip 3:How to upscale SD to HD

Check “Enable” option to upscale your SD video to HD effect. Here you can customize your desired resolution, sharpness, brightness, and smoothness for your video, or use de-noise function to reduce noise from original video.

Tip 4:Choose Display Mode

Choose the display mode for video playback of SimHD upscaling effect. Here you can select from three display modes: “Normal “, “Comparison “, and “Splitting”. Click the display mode you want and it will be applied to the video playback immediately.

So, after going through such procedure, if you really want to shop ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre f or playing SD DVD and Videos in HD Ones then simply visit website for free download or for purchase.

For more details on sd to hd and convert sd to hd than please visit our website.

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