Reference Books by MyReviewsNow
For readers in this digital age, the early 21st century has become the era of the electronic book (e-book). The Internet is filled-to-overflowing with electronic reference books on every imaginable subject. As a result, the technology market is flooded with e-book readers, devices, and tablet computers designed for digital reading material.
While book marketing may prove a hindrance to electronic publishing for established writers and authors, e-books provide remarkable, unparalleled opportunities for budding authors. E-book publishing gives new authors a faster, easier, and cheaper way to write, publish, and sell their books on portable readers and at online venues.
Today, more than ever before, quality reference books and how-to guides are easily accessible with the click of a mouse — and usually, of course, with a credit or debit card. Links to e-guides and e-books appear everywhere, from websites and blogs to article directories to online forums.
Despite the wealth of information accessible today, much of the content contains useless information. Many e-books are simply information that is recycled from other sources, the result of unoriginal thought, “borrowed” ideas, and redundant article spinning. It can be tedious and time-consuming to find quality reference books and other helpful resources online.
Consumer forums are useful sources for e-book customers. Blog articles and consumer review sites are also helpful for finding the right e-book. Although the Internet is filled with unlimited useful resources, it also contains a lot of spam and hype. Consumer reviews help readers weed through it all, to find just the right product for their money. is a virtual mall of consumer products and services. Based on the old marketing principle of word-of-mouth advertising, MyReviewsNow offers consumers a quick way to find the quality item they are looking for — and a quick, safe way to purchase it online.
The review site offers an in-depth look at several consumer services and products, including e-guides and reference books. Each product listing contains consumer reviews and social media recommendations, as well as a five-star rating system on usability, features, values, and support.
MyReviewsNow currently showcases about two dozen reference books available as e-guides. The subjects are wide and varied, with more topics to come. Popular titles include, “The Private School Exam Course,” “Be An Effective Public Speaker,” “The Training Center Computer Learning Program,” “Trading Penny Stocks,” “The Fat Burning Furnace,” and “Deep Attraction Online.”
Like most consumer review sites and directories, MyReviewsNow is free to use. Consumers greatly benefit from reading the product, learning more about the author, and reviewing the rating. They can even login to the site to leave their own review after using a particular product or service.
This is definitely an e-book era, and digital books are unlikely to go away any time soon. But wise consumers are aware of an e-book’s quality, the author’s background, and the reputation of the company selling the book. If they are unfamiliar with a product, they do their research.
Thousands of e-books are published every year, on hundreds of “hot topic” subjects. However, not all of them are new, original, or particularly valuable. and other reputable review sites help readers separate the wheat from the chaff, so they can find the information they need without wasting their hard-earned money in the process.
For further information regarding reference books, please visit MyReviewsNow Online Shopping.