You Are What You Eat! Eat Better

Nutrition plays a vital role in our lives. It is at the center of our health, well-being, energy levels and our self esteem. Knowing what to eat and how to maintain your optimum nutrition levels is key. This article will give you that information and tips on how to achieve it.

Nutrition is a huge market with all types of help available in many different ways. If you are a tech geek make sure to use the resources available to you for help. This includes many applications for smart phones that can give you great tips as well as calorie counters.

Although eating is a very social aspect of being a human it is important that you try to change this in your mind somewhat. Of course special occasions can be the exception, but in your day to day life you should see food as fuel and not as entertainment or comfort.

Even if you feel rushed in the morning or just do not feel like taking the time to eat breakfast, stop and sit down and eat something healthy. It will boost your metabolism and add some fuel to your body for the day. Studies show that those who have breakfast each day have more success in losing weight.

Remember to drink lots of water throughout the day. It has many benefits unrelated to diet as well but when you are trying to lose weight it can help to satisfy the psychological need to put something in your mouth and stomach. It will also help to feel more full even when you are not.

One of the best ways to keep track of what you are actually putting into your body is a food journal. There are many applications for smart phones that can help you with this. If you aren’t tech savvy all you need is a notebook and a pen and you can start writing what you have been eating.

If there is something really unhealthy that you just absolutely love try to find a good substitute. For example, for people who love white pasta there is a great substitute made from squash. When you put sauce on top of it it becomes almost impossible to tell the difference from the real thing.

Most bad habits are psychological and this is equally true for nutrition. All of the battles are actually inside your mind. One example of this is removing the reward system that you have set up with yourself. You want to try to remove the associations between food and happiness. Food is fuel, not happiness.

Try to eliminate the gluten out of your diet. It has been noticed that those with the allergy to gluten seem to end up feeling much better. It leaves them with a clearer head, more energetic, not as bloated, and all around healthier. Try substituting millet, quinoa or amaranth when you have those carb cravings.

Now that you have some great advice and knowledge on the subject of nutrition, and how you can incorporate that into your own life and healthy eating habits, you will be much more likely to stave off sickness, disease and other physical ailments that generally come with poor nutrition.

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