What Goes Into A House Painting Estimate?
Whether your interior painting needs are for home improvement or decoration, hiring a professional will save time, money, frustration and mess. Like any trade, there are tricks to smooth edges and short cuts to even strokes. Steady hands help, but taping expertise is a necessity. Look at the angles in a room you want to paint. Can you imagine how to get into, out of, and around those spaces without spending an entire afternoon? And there are electrical outlets to consider!
An interior painting estimate must take into consideration moving an entire room’s worth of furniture and putting it back without damage to the furniture or the walls. Can you manage that kind of extreme physical exertion? Floors and rugs must be protected, built-ins masked. Molding and chandeliers can be an issue. Electronics must be carefully unplugged or gingerly shifted away and back if connection is paramount. Think about the endless bookshelves. Are you prepared to remove and replace every book? What kind of paint will you need to achieve the effect you want? None of this has to be factored into a house painting estimate.
Interior work should not be affected by weather. How many days a week will the contractor work? How many men will the job require? Is experience sufficient to remove spilled paint and ventilate? A healthy environment for both the workers and your family is important. Home painting estimates offered by those who don’t know how to treat your possessions are worthless. Special experience with artwork and valuables may be required. Your grandfather’s old armchair may mean as much to you as an ebony, marble-topped bar. Everything you own should be treated with utmost respect and care.
Does the contractor seem professional? Is he courteous? Does he return phone calls? Is he paying attention to your conversation? Has he suggestions, advice? Your gut will only take you so far. The rest is research. Decide what you want done before he comes in for a consultation. Have a list of requirements and questions. Collect color swatches. Then check him out online. And breathe.
How many days a week will the contractor work? How many men will the job require? Is experience sufficient to remove spilled paint and ventilate? A healthy environment for both the workers and your family is important. Home painting estimates offered by those who don’t know how to treat your possessions are worthless. Special experience with artwork and valuables may be required. Your grandfather’s old armchair may mean as much to you as an ebony, marble-topped bar. Everything you own should be treated with utmost respect and care.
Does the contractor seem professional? Is he courteous? Does he return phone calls? Is he paying attention to your conversation? Has he suggestions, advice? Your gut will only take you so far. The rest is research. Decide what you want done before he comes in for a consultation. Visit www.PrecisionPaintingPlus.net today.