Threat Management

Today the internet has become an integral part of the business world. Companies cannot survive without the internet as it plays a proactive role in the growth, expansion, and success of any business enterprise. Though the internet threw open endless amount of possibilities, opportunities and benefits for companies and organizations like real time access, collaboration and integration, it also brought with it a number of security issues ranging from viruses, trojans, worms, spam, spyware, riskware, rootkits, bots, phishing, external hacking to insider attacks.
Cybercrime is constantly evolving and becoming increasingly sophisticated. Symantec recently conducted a survey, which once again confirmed the menacing power of cyber criminals. As per its global 2011 State of Security Survey, a whopping seventy-one percent of organizations faced cyber attacks in the past year and twenty-nine percent of the respondents had to deal with cyber attacks on a regular basis.
As the methods used by cyber criminals are becoming more and more dangerous and alarming, companies and organizations need to take some extreme measures to curb cybercrime. In today’s economic scenario, organizations have more to lose than it was earlier. Hence, it is very important that companies and organizations adopt the latest security solutions and best practices available today to stay protected.
Another greatest cause of worry for businesses, which accept the credit card mode of payment, is with regard to customer’ credit data.  Because of the immense popularity of online shopping, businesses both big and small have now widely accepted online payments.  Since most transactions take place through open public networks, cyber criminals find it easy to steal customers’ credit card information. Very recently Sony’ internet gaming service, PlayStation Network encountered an external intrusion which resulted in the stealing of personal information and credit card details of up to 77 million of its customers.
Companies and organizations until now have been depending on point solutions alone. However, understanding the gravity of the situation, these solutions are just not enough. Companies and organizations need effective threat management solutions to curb the menace of cyber criminals.
Effective threat management is defined as a comprehensive solution that executes various security functions, such as firewalling, antivirus, PCI compliance, invasion prevention, anti spam, anti spyware, load balancing, content filtering, anti VoIP, anti P2P, anti phishing, and others, to protect organizations and enterprises from potential threats.
Companies need to look for secure GRC solution vendors who not only provide end-to-end integration of advanced network monitoring and IT-GRC but also help by integrating PCI-DSS guidelines with daily business practices to ensure smooth functioning and complete security.
Also read on – hipaa healthcare, Vulnerability management solution

Today the internet has become an integral part of the business world. Companies cannot survive without the internet as it plays a proactive role in the growth, expansion, and success of any business enterprise. Though the internet threw open endless amount of possibilities, opportunities and benefits for companies and organizations like real time access, collaboration and integration, it also brought with it a number of security issues ranging from viruses, trojans, worms, spam, spyware, riskware, rootkits, bots, phishing, external hacking to insider attacks.
Cybercrime is constantly evolving and becoming increasingly sophisticated. Symantec recently conducted a survey, which once again confirmed the menacing power of cyber criminals. As per its global 2011 State of Security Survey, a whopping seventy-one percent of organizations faced cyber attacks in the past year and twenty-nine percent of the respondents had to deal with cyber attacks on a regular basis.
As the methods used by cyber criminals are becoming more and more dangerous and alarming, companies and organizations need to take some extreme measures to curb cybercrime. In today’s economic scenario, organizations have more to lose than it was earlier. Hence, it is very important that companies and organizations adopt the latest security solutions and best practices available today to stay protected.
Another greatest cause of worry for businesses, which accept the credit card mode of payment, is with regard to customer’ credit data.  Because of the immense popularity of online shopping, businesses both big and small have now widely accepted online payments.  Since most transactions take place through open public networks, cyber criminals find it easy to steal customers’ credit card information. Very recently Sony’ internet gaming service, PlayStation Network encountered an external intrusion which resulted in the stealing of personal information and credit card details of up to 77 million of its customers.
Companies and organizations until now have been depending on point solutions alone. However, understanding the gravity of the situation, these solutions are just not enough. Companies and organizations need effective threat management solutions to curb the menace of cyber criminals.
Effective threat management is defined as a comprehensive solution that executes various security functions, such as firewalling, antivirus, PCI compliance, invasion prevention, anti spam, anti spyware, load balancing, content filtering, anti VoIP, anti P2P, anti phishing, and others, to protect organizations and enterprises from potential threats.
Companies need to look for secure GRC solution vendors who not only provide end-to-end integration of advanced network monitoring and IT-GRC but also help by integrating PCI-DSS guidelines with daily business practices to ensure smooth functioning and complete security.
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hipaa healthcare

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