Applicant Tracking Software System for Candidate Data Management
The Applicant Tracking Software module automates the enlargement of job requisitions and postings, candidate searches, candidate screening, ranking and assessment. TalentFlow is comprised of three distinct, fully Web-based modules, each of which can operate on a stand-alone basis or be integrated with other modules, existing client websites, HRIS and ERP systems.
Applicant tracking software is planned to enhance the productivity of recruitment staff, save your company time and money and yield a higher achievement rate in finding the right person for a job.
An applicant tracking system provides an expert system approach to your recruiting process and streamlines your hiring process. It provides you with a wider access to job candidates from all over the world and narrows down your search based on your company’s requirements. The applicant tracking software should be able to give you some more benefits as listed here.
Some of the companies use a lot of money and time attracting potential new workforce. When part of this recruiting process companies collect information about great candidates that, for one reason or another may not get hired at that particular moment. Our software filed away in a folder on someone’s desktop, printed and shoved into a file. The problem is that if this resource isn’t easily accessible and searchable, it generally goes untapped.
The applicant tracking software should be able to give you some more benefits as listed here:-
- The applicant tracking software should be able to convert resumes that usually come in the form of email attachments into a searchable database of applicant records with a few mouse clicks.
- You should be able to look for this database and come up with resumes that fit the applicant profile that you specify in a matter of seconds. Traditionally the recruiting staff will have several sheets of printed resumes to read and manually prepare a short list of candidates based on the job requisition.
- The software serves as an administrative assistant that takes care of the process of receiving, reading and eventually filing resumes. For a global company, this is a very efficient method of record-keeping. A central repository gives allowed user access to a common database and eliminates duplication.
- The records are automatically updated so you only have to make a few mouse clicks and be able to make comparisons and check available records instantly. The database is linked to job requisitions and also tracks the progress of candidates and hiring successes.
An applicant tracking software does not take away the functions of a recruitment staff. What it does is to automate most of the manual tasks that accompany the process of finding the right candidates for a particular job.