Things to Do if You are in Immigration Custody

What should you do if the immigration authorities detain you? Some think that it would be no difficult if they do as the officers tell them to. However, this may or may not work for you. Knowing what you should, and should not, do in such a circumstance is essential, for the protection of your rights as well as for proper handling of the matter.

It is important to know who arrested you and on what grounds. Enquire about this politely. Note down the names of the officers, the department they belong to, and the reasons for your detention. Make sure you get the Notice to Appear, which would have the details of the charges against you. Do not argue, as this worsens the situation.

Protecting your rights is of utmost importance in such a situation. It is, therefore, important that you do not provide any statements or sign any documents before you talk to an attorney. You may be signing away your rights, without even knowing it, and making things worse for yourself.

Get in touch with the consulate or embassy of your country if you were a foreign national living in the US. It is necessary to get help from the right resources when the Immigration and Custody Enforcement (ICE) arrests and detains you. You may call the consulate on your own, or request the immigration officer to do the same.

Consult immigration attorneys immediately. If you are not aware of how to do this, get in touch with a family member or friend, and ask him/her to do so. Only an attorney would be able to help you tackle the problem at hand. He/she would also be able to protect your rights better and advice you about what to do next.

When you are in immigration custody, ask for bond. The objective is simple – you pay a certain sum of money to ascertain release from custody. The payment ensures that you would be at the court for hearings and appointments. If you adhere to the rules, you would be able to get back the money at the end of the case.

A competent immigration lawyer is capable of ensuring that the legal approach of yours is proper. Even when you request for bond, you have to establish that you are no risk to the community and there are no chances of your flight. Release from detention using bond as well as handling of the case requires legal knowledge that your lawyer has.

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