U.S. appliance industry market targeting elderly people locked 7600 – Whirlpool
This end, the United States
Home Appliances
Aging industry has targeted the market, locking 76 million on hand, but gradually generous post-war baby boomers are aging, re-design products, improve the living conditions of the elderly.
The economic crisis, the U.S. market
Sector, a major gain is: Reflections on the direction of marketing behind the times.
From 1946 to 1964, the United States ushered in a "war" after the population peak, with more than 7600 people during this period, birth, the equivalent of the U.S. population 1 / 4. But in the past 10 years, an alarming number of baby boomers is also a day rate of about 1 million people across the 50-year-old mark. Hold traditional marketing concepts, while the eyes staring at 49 years of age they no longer focus on businessman.
But now, business has been found wrong. Consumption of the baby boom generation, great, a U.S. company with more than 7,000 consumers each month's spending habits survey shows that many types of goods, the baby boom generation, the average monthly spending in no way inferior to other age groups. Over the age of 50 have never experienced the baby boom generation "of World War II" brings the despair and fear, so the future is very optimistic in their eyes, and no matter how bad the situation now.
This end, the U.S. appliance industry has been targeting older market, lock 76 million on hand, but gradually generous post-war baby boomers are aging, re-design products, improve the living conditions of the elderly. As
Electric long-term test deafness, blindness or arthritis patients can use the product, the company tested against arthritis, the bottom drawer bracket released
Washing machine
And dryer, place the garments do not have to bend over, for consumers with back pain problems. Also introduced a large knob of washing machine, these knobs will be issued after setting a good clear sound, easy to use in patients with poor eyesight or arthritis.
Kitchen appliances, the GM is designing better to open the oven door and will automatically power off the stove; Germany's Siemens has introduced a high-level brand Thermador glass thermal tops, to prevent overflow spilled out of cooking stove.
Bathroom equipment, Moen are being vigorously promote weighing 158 kg can support the new handrails; Kohler faucets are designed lever easier to use; TruthHardware remote window motor is the more sales the better.
The same time, for the baby boom generation's spending habits surveys and studies are ongoing, the results showed that the baby boom generation, energy or activity, whether the elderly are still in the peak period of life. To this end, the U.S. marketing community for elderly baby boomers developed a new marketing principles, such as attention to their inner needs, from a positive point of view to start, depending on their life stage or lifestyle rather than age marketing strategies. In addition, should the use of traditional media marketing. Baby boomers are online, but they are radio, newspapers and
Devotees of traditional media, but they like to watch television programming in many forms, including films, gangster dramas, news, sports and documentaries, and so on to attract their attention through the cable would be very cost-effective.
Not just dig old American business opportunities in Japan since the 70s of last century, after an aging society, we should vigorously develop the aging industry challenges of aging, the aging society in the tertiary industry as the "savior." Currently there have been elderly people in Tokyo street. In this one-kilometer-long old street, a monopoly old clothes, shoes,
And drug stores, coffee shops are nostalgic, the music is old shop put the old familiar songs. Streets, restaurants, natural and ultimately, the elderly, and many specialty shops Japanese snack popular with old people. Similarly, in Munich also has an old street, where old products to accommodate more than 100 stores, there are
, Art, jewelry shops and delicious restaurants.
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