How To Use A Metal lathe Machine

Any kind of metal lathe, be it a brand new one or they be used metal lathes, these all come with directions to its proper usage. The instructions are relatively simple and simple to understand. If there isn’t a written instructions on the purchased machine, you can always check online to have the instructions.

To begin with, be sure not to run the metal lathe cold. Warm it up starting at the speed of around 1000 rpm for ten minutes and get it well lubricated. Check the tools, have them ready and ensure everything is tight.

Afterwhich, find the tool holder and place the tool block on it. Look for the spot where you can put the insert cutter. Turn the tool block as tight as you can. Cutters have inserts that enables Z axis cutting or from left to right cutting style.

Now, locate the tail stock. This is where the drill chuck is to be inserted. This tail stock is used to drilling holes into the metal. Find the crank that is at the tip of the measuring device for precise cuts.

Fourth step is to before you set your zero, zero point, discontinue the turning spindle. Get hold of a tool holder and regulate it to 0.5 inch block between thework piece and your tool. To tighten it, slide it in and out. To create an X axis, pull the tool towards you. Find the micrometer wheel then set it to zero point. Then start working toward the work piece with distance of 0.5 inch. This will now be your Z zero point.

Fifth, set your X zero point by pulling the Z axis tool toward the spindle and slide a 0.5 inch block between the tool and the work piece. Bring it well past the piece, set the X axis micrometer to zero and turn the wheel 0.5 inch away. Take note of the fact that Z axis was done the same way but the movement of the wheel was toward you.

Sixth, on the Z and X axis, take the tool away by 0.25 from the work piece. Step away a lttle bit before you start the spindle again.

Last of all, take the X axis to your required depth. If you like to take out 0.5 inch from the material, remove 0.25 on each side of the material.

Note: wear safety goggles, gloves and other safety guards when using the metal lathe machines.

Find more info about metal lathe for sale, please visit our website. You will learn more info on wood lathe for sale.

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