Bruce Borup: Making the Right Choices
Choices are the things that make us who we are, they can make or break a man but Mr. Bruce Borup has always strives to better himself and to bring his knowledge and perspective to the best use possible. In many ways making the right choices is as hard as sculpting the best and hardest of granite, because only the best of men can really make the adjustments and the required efforts. Considering the journey that Mr. Bruce Borup has had it is easy to see that success, even though it hadn’t come easily, has been a process of dedicated work.
The years that have best prepared him for his role as a CEO, were the years that he spent in the army. The army will always be in need of dedicated individuals, people who know how to train, who know how to take decisions that will impact others in the theatre of war. In many ways, a man that has gone through the hardship of army will never be the same ever again. He will have learned how to cope with a harsh environment and will also know how to develop a good, long lasting relationship of respect with the people that are under his command. Bruce Borup excelled both as an airborne ranger but also as a ground infantry officer.
After the army service has taken its toll on the personality of Bruce Borup there was time for a drastic change. He has taken the decision to go on a mission to make students learn better and to gain a better understanding of how to educate the others. His efforts have not been in vain because there have been many generations to benefit from his knowledge and guidance. However not many people will have chosen to leave the system as he did.
He left the education system to embark on a prolific CEO career. It was a dangerous step to make, as the education system would have helped him sustain a reliable and easy life. But, Mr. Bruce Borup was not ready to give up such an opportunity and now his leadership serves one of the greatest companies in the world, the