Gree “annulment Case” Not Suffer The “hidden Rules”
President Gree Dong Mingzhu
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Financial Bureau, Guangzhou, Blow
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Title: Gree “annulment case” not suffer the “hidden rules”?? Dialogue Gree Dong Mingzhu, President and Financial Secretary, Guangzhou, Blow
Xinhua News Agency “Xinhua Perspective” before the reporter leaves, Wang Kailei, Kombo
In the recently held Guangdong “Two sessions”, Gree Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. President Dong Mingzhu on Gree “annulment case” open “question” and said some government procurement, “she only expensive,” is a waste of taxpayer money, called upon the Government to enterprises to provide a fair and just competition environment. The Finance Bureau, Guangzhou, Blow also quickly responded that the decision of Finance according to law, procedures, no “flaws.”
Gree “annulment case” once again raised public concern. Cases, in the end there is no “Inside Story”? What are the loopholes in the government procurement rules? How to achieve “Sun Purchasing?” “Xinhua point of view,” the director’s dialogue on this were Pearl and Blow.
“Gree out” in the end there is no “Inside Story”?
Background: In the Guangzhou Municipal Government organized a procurement center Air conditioning Installation procurement tender, Guangzhou Gree air-conditioning to the lowest bid to become “successful candidate suppliers”, “re-evaluation” in terms of individual books have been indicators of defects and out, by a higher bid than the supplier of more than 400 million successful. Gree aggrieved by Complaints Apply for administrative reconsideration, it will monitor government procurement departments of Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Finance to court. The last day of 2009, Guangzhou Tianhe District Court on the grounds of Griffith told the wrong object, dismissed the prosecution.
Reporter: Guangzhou Geli from the initially identified as “successful candidate suppliers” to “re-evaluation” in response to the tender documents for the tender is not individual terms out normal?
Blow: experts in a limited time, ignore the bidder may appear in some technical aspects of the problem. In the evaluation process, did not notice Gree terms of the tender documents asterisk no substantive response, so the price advantage because Gree be the first “successful candidate.” In the verification process, the key problem is most recognized experts, so make time with the evaluation of different conclusions.
Dong Mingzhu: experts say is difficult to set up, in fact, already in the tender documents Gree technical volumes of the parameter table in a substantive response, fully meet the requirements of clause asterisk. Why are experts in turning a blind eye?
Reporter: According to the Government Procurement Law and the Public Bidding Law, Government procurement is to save funds, taxpayer money well spent, the government procurement choices offer higher than the Gree more than 400 million successful bidders, is contrary to law?
Dong Pearl: The bidding for “expensive election” is a waste of taxpayer money.
Blow: It is not that we have to choose you, but according to the procedures, when the first successful candidate for the substantive provisions of the tender does not meet the standard for the sentence invalid, the second fill up candidates to become successful supply business. Gree out, because the rules did not comply with the tender.
Reporter: The government procurement for the presence of “string around standard” phenomenon?
Dong Mingzhu: before submitting a tender, Guangzhou Geli had received a supplier on request “with” the phone, we have rejected. But looking back, this intermediate “string for rigging,” the suspect lot. Tender price ceiling 22.2 million yuan, 17.07 million yuan in Guangzhou Geli offer, reduced by 20%, we still have a reasonable profit. However, Guangdong Province Oil Chemical industry Construction Corporation offer 21.51 million yuan, to float downward 3.1%, other bidders offer to float downward 0.5%, 2.3%, 1.9%. Float downward so few, substandard practices and unreasonable.
Blow: Will there be “string for rigging,” to rely on evidence to say this. If there is no evidence, even if reported, would not be able to investigate.
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