British media questioned Lee’s death the legality of processing card was called cold-blooded murder
Western treatment of dictators or terrorist act would lack legitimacy, and the results will be full of risks. The article said that Gaddafi should stand in the Hague International Criminal Tribunal for trial, but was “cold-blooded” to murder.
The article points out, although according to the Arab world “barbaric standard” point of view, the final outcome can be considered Gaddafi shocking enough, but it is difficult to arouse more sympathy. However, Gaddafi has now been buried in the Libyan desert of an “unknown zone”, the transitional government of Libya for the first case to be heard on Gaddafi’s death, we can safely questioned. Lee said that Gaddafi is in the “opposition” to be shipped to Missoula Armed step of the way, an attack killed in the crossfire. It is not. In fact, Gaddafi was “cold-blooded” murder of the. Prior to this, Gaddafi’s arrest caught the soldiers still immersed in the “unsuspecting” people’s “Carnival being,” they even be “sexual abuse.”
Based on this, the article said, British Prime Minister Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s commitment to the people – Libya’s former regime was overthrown support fashion shuai ziwei blog, a brave new democratic state will set up – will stop here.
The article added that Gaddafi has repeatedly expressed his lifetime support of international terrorism, while his own people but also for cruel repression, so many people, “instinct” that Gaddafi’s fate is “deserved.” In addition, each pot by the captors themselves the “Revenge of the ruling” means that Gaddafi will not stand in the Hague International Criminal Court, to face war crimes trial, which is convenient to all parties. Western leaders can sleep peacefully, because some of the embarrassing problems will not be mentioned in the Hague Tribunal, and his “imprudent” not to be exposed at the same time, be free of the Libyan people can re-establish the national . In this way, who would care about killing Gaddafi is not equivalent to “committing war crimes”, or whether it should accept the Gaddafi International Tribunal for the trial?
According to the article revealed that Cameron had told former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was in charge effort Gaddafi who scoff, but last November, the British had sent high-level military delegation arrived in Tripoli to discuss the issue of arms sales. Gaddafi’s “shopping list”, in relation to contain a large number of high-speed sniper rifle.
According to reports, the ruling authorities of Libya, “National Transitional Council,” said Vice Chairman Walker 27, should the international community demands, they will kill the country’s former leader Muammar Gaddafi who indictment. The article says, “transition committee” really will keep their promises, it is not known, but apparently, the “transition committee” has made its “final decision”: the party is not only killing Gaddafi and his son Mu Taxi Tim, there are gardens found in the Sirte 53 Mingkazhafei supporters. London or Paris is not a serious person required to give an explanation of these criminals. Everyone is concerned about the Gaddafi regime has become history, the task of rebuilding Libya can formally begin.
“Daily Telegraph” commented that the neglect of “norms of international justice” is not the only place in Libya, the same, the events in the assassination of Osama bin Laden is also true. As in, “Gaddafi’s death,” just like no one is asking U.S. President Obama, in the end which people perform “kill bin Laden Ricky China’s rise BBS,” the task, the task if he is illegal. People only care about the fact – not Osama bin Laden, the world a better place.
The authors finally called, “When dealing with ‘bad guys’, I fully support the kind of ‘heroic acts’, but I still hope that we can ensure we are doing is perfectly legal act otherwise, in the future, waiting for our will be a laundry list of problems. “